PKG=LNFcmu-cam-toolkit ARCH=i386 VERSION=2.05 MAXINST=1000 SERIALNUM=001 NAME=Carnegie Mellon Statistical Language Modeling (CMU SLM) Toolkit CATEGORY=utils,development,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr DESC=The Carnegie Mellon Statistical Language Modeling (CMU SLM) Toolkit is a set of unix software tools designed to facilitate language modeling work in the research community. Some of the tools are used to process general textual data into: word frequency lists and vocabularies; word bigram and trigram counts; vocabulary-specific word bigram and trigram counts; bigram- and trigram-related statistics; various Backoff bigram and trigram language models. LICINFO=CMU CAM Toolkit (free) LICURL= LICFILE=cmu-cam-toolkit.txt PSTAMP=q20070430144235 CLASSES=none