Berkeley DB Reference Guide:
Upgrading Berkeley DB Applications


Release 4.5: DB_ENV->set_paniccall

In previous Berkeley DB releases, the DB_ENV->set_paniccall and DB->set_paniccall methods were used to register a callback function, called if the database environment failed. In the 4.5 release, this functionality has been replaced by a general-purpose event notification callback function, set with the DB_ENV->set_event_notify method. Applications should be updated to replace DB_ENV->set_paniccall and DB->set_paniccall calls with a call to DB_ENV->set_event_notify. This also requires the callback function itself change, as the callback signatures are different.

The DB_ENV->set_paniccall and DB->set_paniccall calls are expected to be removed in a future release of Berkeley DB.


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