F E A T U R E S F O R F U T U R E R E L E A S E In the source code for this package may be one or more segments of code that are disabled, as they are slated for future release (FFR). These are generally unreleased or incomplete features, or can be new algorithms for existing features. They are often untested and currently unsupported, and generally formally become part of the released software in some future revision. There may or may not be documentation for them outside of this file. Use them at your own risk. To enable an FFR in the source code, find the feature you want to use in the list below and arrange to enable that feature at build time by adding -D_FFR_ to the build. For example, to add the WIDGET feature, you would add -D_FFR_WIDGET to the build. You would do this by adding a line to Makefile.m4 that reads: APPENDDEF(`confENVDEF', `-D_FFR_WIDGET') Feature Name Description BODYLENGTH_DB Optionally query a local database of recipient addresses to determine if an "l=" tag should be applied when signing. (libdkim, dkim-filter) CAPTURE_UNKNOWN_ERRORS When dkim_eom() returns an unexpected error of some kind, quarantine the message for further analysis. (dkim-filter) COMMAIZE Attempt to anticipate header field rewriting the MTA will do so that verification failures are reduced. (dkim-filter) DIFFHEADERS When verification fails for a message for which a "z=" tag was provided, compare the received headers to the original headers to look for possible munging. Requires the tre library. (dkim-filter, libdkim) DKIM_REPUTATION Add experimental support for querying an open DKIM reputation service. The service's URL is http://www.dkim-reputation.org. (dkim-filter, libdkim) DNS_UPGRADE Maintain two libar instances, the second in TCP mode, in case any UDP queries come back truncated. Not meaningful unless libar is in use. (libdkim) MULTIPLE_SIGNATURES Allow addition of multiple signatures when key lists are in use. (dkim-filter) PARSE_TIME Adds a utility function reporting the value of the Date: header for easy comparison to signature timestamps in order to detect messages in which those values wildly differ. INCOMPLETE. (libdkim) REPLACE_RULES Allow specification of a "replacement rules" table for use when signing, replacing certain patterns in address headers with specific strings to anticipate the effects of the "masquerade" and "genericstable" features in the MTA. (dkim-filter) REPORT_INTERVALS Support for report intervals, part of the DKIM reporting extensions. (dkim-filter) SELECT_CANONICALIZATION Optionally override the value of the "-c" command line flag by specifying a preferred canonicalization on a special header line. Intended mostly for testing, not production use. (dkim-filter) SELECTOR_HEADER Enable selection of which selector (and thus which key) to use when signing based on the contents of an arbitrary header. (dkim-filter) STATS Optional generation of statistics about pass/fail sorted by domain and canonicalization. Requires Sleepycat DB. (dkim-filter, libdkim) VBR Enable VBR (Vouch By Reference) header addition (outbound) and processing (inbound). Under revision and may not be stable. (dkim-filter, libdkim) ZTAGS Save headers to a file for diagnostics when the signer used a "z=" tag. (dkim-filter) $Revision: 1.57 $, Last updated $Date: 2008/12/17 07:18:50 $