PKG=LNFdkim-milter ARCH=i386 VERSION=2.8.3 SERIALNUM=001 NAME=dkim milter CATEGORY=email,network,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr DESC=The dkim-milter package is an open source implementation of the DKIM sender authentication system proposed by the E-mail Signing Technology Group (ESTG), now a proposed standard of the IETF (RFC4871). DKIM is an amalgamation of the DomainKeys (DK) proposal by Yahoo!, Inc. and the Internet Identified Mail (IIM) proposal by Cisco. This package consists of a library that implements the DKIM service and a milter-based filter application that can plug in to the sendmail MTA to provide that service to sufficiently recent sendmail MTAs and other MTAs that support the milter protocol. It was extended to be able to sign and verify using rsa-sha256 keys via the Solaris pkcs11 libraries (i.e. hardware crypto support) and to sha256 hash messages using the Solaris md library. However, not all possible/experimental features are enabled. Use dkim-filter -V to check, which code options are active, i.e. are available. LICINFO=SENDMAIL OPEN SOURCE LICENSE LICURL= LICFILE=sendmail-os.txt PSTAMP=idev20090625065207 CLASSES=none rename manifest