
Table of Contents

formal.procedures - Selects formal or informal procedures
formal.title.placement - Specifies where formal object titles should occur
runinhead.default.title.end.punct - Default punctuation character on a run-in-head
runinhead.title.end.punct - Characters that count as punctuation on a run-in-head
show.comments - Display comment elements?
punct.honorific - Punctuation after an honorific in a personal name.
segmentedlist.as.table - Format segmented lists as tables?
variablelist.as.blocks - Format variablelists lists as blocks?
blockquote.properties - To set the style for block quotations.
ulink.show - Display URLs after ulinks?
ulink.footnotes - Generate footnotes for ULinks?
ulink.hyphenate - Allow URLs to be automatically hyphenated
shade.verbatim - Should verbatim environments be shaded?
shade.verbatim.style - Properties that specify the style of shaded verbatim listings
hyphenate.verbatim - Should verbatim environments be hyphenated on space characters?
hyphenate.verbatim.characters - List of characters after which line break can occur in listings
use.svg - Allow SVG in the result tree?
use.role.as.xrefstyle - Use role attribute for xrefstyle on xref?
menuchoice.separator - Separator between items of a menuchoice other than guimenuitem and guisubmenu
menuchoice.menu.separator - Separator between items of a menuchoice with guimenuitem or guisubmenu
default.float.class - Specifies the default float class
footnote.number.format - Identifies the format used for footnote numbers
table.footnote.number.format - Identifies the format used for footnote numbers in tables
footnote.number.symbols - Special characters to use as footnote markers
table.footnote.number.symbols - Special characters to use a footnote markers in tables
footnote.properties - Properties applied to each footnote body
footnote.mark.properties - Properties applied to each footnote mark
footnote.sep.leader.properties - Properties associated with a procedure
xref.with.number.and.title - Use number and title in cross references
superscript.properties - Properties associated with superscripts
subscript.properties - Properties associated with subscripts