Pigeonhole Sieve Troubleshooting ================================ This page explains how to approach problems with the [Pigeonhole.Sieve.txt]. Currently, only common configuration problems and their solutions are described here. Checking Script Execution ------------------------- When Sieve scripts are not being executed, there are several possibilities: Your MTA is not using Dovecot LDA or LMTP : Sieve scripts are executed by the Dovecot [LDA.txt] and/or the Dovecot service. That is why you first need to check whether the LDA or LMTP are actually being used. At least one of these is supposed to be called/accessed from your , e.g. Exim or Postfix, for local message delivery. Most MTAs have their own local delivery agent, and without explicit configuration this is what is used. In that case, your Sieve scripts are simply ignored. In summary, make sure your MTA is using Dovecot for local delivery, using either Dovecot's or . The Sieve plugin is not enabled : The Dovecot and services do not provide Sieve support by default. Sieve support is provided as a separate plugin that needs to be enabled by adding it to the 'mail_plugins' setting in the 'protocol lda {...} ' section for the LDA and the 'protocol lmtp {...} ' section for LMTP. If this is omitted, Sieve scripts are ignored. Check the [Pigeonhole.Sieve.Configuration.txt] for more information. /This page needs to be extended with more information on common problems and a step-wise approach to troubleshooting./ (This file was created from the wiki on 2011-08-29 04:42)