PKG=LNFfoiltex-docs ARCH=i386 VERSION=2.1.4a SERIALNUM=001 NAME=FoilTeX - a LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies - documentation CATEGORY=text,utils,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr/share/doc DESC=This package contains the FoilTeX user guide as well as additional information. The FoilTeX is a collection of LaTeX files for making foils. A number of features are built-in including large sans serif font as normal font, options for setting normalsize at 20pt (default), 17pt, 25pt or 30pt, new macros for starting new foils, for special environments like Theorem and Proof, simple macros to control the headline and footline. With Rokickis dvips or Y&Y's dvipsone, it will even rotate individual foils easily." LICINFO=FoilTeX (see documentation for user agreement) LICFILE=foiltex.pdf PSTAMP=q20070407084440 CLASSES=none