This page lists some of the plugins that are currently available with GATE:

For more information on how the plugins work, see the online user guide "Developing Language Processing Components with GATE".

To submit a plugin, please contact us via the gate-users mailing list.

Plugins included in the GATE distribution

GATE Unicode Tokeniser A customisable Unicode tokeniser (docs). gate.creole.tokeniser.SimpleTokeniser
ANNIE English Tokeniser A customisable English tokeniser (docs). gate.creole.tokeniser.DefaultTokeniser
ANNIE Gazetteer A list lookup component (docs). gate.creole.gazetteer.DefaultGazetteer
Hash Gazetteer A list lookup component implemented by OntoText Lab. For documentation, download and license agreement please refer to docs The licence information is also available in licence.ontotext.html in the lib folder of GATE com.ontotext.gate.gazetteer.HashGazetteer
Jape Transducer A module for executing Jape grammars (docs). gate.creole.Transducer
ANNIE NE Transducer ANNIE named entity grammar (docs) gate.creole.ANNIETransducer
ANNIE Sentence Splitter ANNIE sentence splitter (docs) gate.creole.splitter.SentenceSplitter
ANNIE POS Tagger Mark Hepple's Brill-style POS tagger (docs) gate.creole.POSTagger
ANNIE OrthoMatcher ANNIE orthographical coreference component (docs) gate.creole.orthomatcher.OrthoMatcher
ANNIE Pronominal Coreferencer Pronominal Coreference resolution component (docs) gate.creole.coref.Coreferencer
ANNIE Nominal Coreferencer Nominal Coreference resolution component gate.creole.coref.NominalCoref
Document Reset PR Document cleaner (docs) gate.creole.annotdelete.AnnotationDeletePR
Jape Viewer A JAPE grammar file viewer gate.gui.jape.JapeViewer
Gaze Gazetteer viewer and editor (docs) com.ontotext.gate.vr.Gaze
Arabic Tokeniser A customisable Arabic tokeniser. arabic.ArabicTokeniser
Arabic Gazetteer A list lookup component. arabic.ArabicGazetteer
Arabic Infered Gazetteer A list lookup component. arabic.ArabicInferedGazetteer
Arabic Main Grammar A module for executing Jape grammars arabic.ArabicTransducer
Arabic OrthoMatcher Arabic Orthomatcher arabic.ArabicOrthoMatcher
Bottom-Up Chart Parser This plugin is deprecated, and has been replaced by SUPPLE (docs) shef.nlp.buchart.Buchart
Cebuano Tokeniser A customisable Cebuano tokeniser. cebuano.CebuanoTokeniser
Cebuano Gazetteer A list lookup component. cebuano.CebuanoGazetteer
Cebuano Gazetteer Tokeniser A list lookup component. cebuano.CebuanoGazetteerTokeniser
Cebuano Transducer A module for executing Jape grammars cebuano.CebuanoTransducer
Cebuano Transducer Postprocessor A module for executing Jape grammars cebuano.CebuanoTransducerPost
Cebuano POS Tagger Mark Hepple's Brill-style POS tagger, adapted for languages where entries are multiword cebtag.postag.CebuanoPOSTagger
Chemistry Tagger A tagger for chemical names (docs) mark.chemistry.Tagger
CrawlerPR Provides interface to the webspinx API (docs) crawl.CrawlPR
GooglePR Provides an interface to Google API (docs) google.GooglePR
Hindi Tokeniser A customisable Hindi tokeniser. hindi.HindiTokeniser
Hindi Gazetteer A list lookup component. hindi.HindiGazetteer
Hindi Splitter A Sentence Splitter. hindi.HindiSplitter
Hindi Tokeniser Gazetteer A list lookup component. hindi.HindiTokeniserGazetteer
Hindi Main Grammar A module for executing Jape grammars hindi.HindiTransducer
Hindi Tokeniser Postprocessor A module for executing Jape grammars hindi.HindiTokeniserPostprocessor
Hindi OrthoMatcher Hindi Orthomatcher hindi.HindiOrthoMatcher
Hindi POS Tagger Mark Hepple's Brill-style POS tagger, adapted for languages where entries are multiword cebtag.postag.CebuanoPOSTagger
SearchPR Provides IR functionality (docs)
Search Results Viewer for IR search results gate.gui.SearchPRViewer
Ontotext Japec Transducer JAPE compiler (docs). com.ontotext.gate.japec.JapecTransducer
KEA Keyphrase Extractor A Keyphrase Extractor by Eibe Frank (docs) gate.creole.kea.Kea
KEA Corpus Importer Imports a KEA-style corpus into GATE gate.creole.kea.CorpusImporter
Machine Learning PR Trains a machine learning algorithm from a corpus (docs)
Minipar Wrapper MiniPar is a shallow parser. It determines the dependency relationships between the words of a sentence (see docs) minipar.Minipar
CMU Minorthird MinorThird is a collection of Java classes for storing text, annotating text, and learning to extract entities and categorize text. (see docs) gate.minorthird.RunMixupWrapper
Montreal Transducer A module for executing augmented Jape grammars. Written by Luc Plamondon, Université de Montréal (docs) ca.umontreal.iro.rali.gate.creole.MtlTransducer
GATE OntoLex Mapping GATE OntoLex mapping (docs). gate.lexicon.OntoLexKBImpl
GATE NLG Lexicon GATE NLG Lexicon (docs). gate.lexicon.NLGLexiconImpl
NLG Lexicon Editor NLG Lexicon Editor (docs). gate.gui.lexicon.NLGLexiconVR
OntoLex Mapping Editor An Editor for mapping between NLG lexicon entries and ontology classes (docs). gate.gui.lexicon.OntoLexEditorVR
Noun Phrase Chunker Implementation of the Ramshaw and Marcus base noun phrase chunker (docs) mark.chunking.GATEWrapper
OLD Document Editor   gate.gui.DocumentEditor
Unrestricted annotation editor   gate.gui.UnrestrictedAnnotationEditor
Schema annotation editor   gate.gui.SchemaAnnotationEditor
Features Editor   gate.gui.FeaturesEditor
Jena Ontology An ontology implementation using Jena for I/O (docs). gate.creole.ontology.jena.JenaOntologyImpl
Protege project Protege project file name (docs). gate.creole.ProtegeProjectName
OntoGazetteer A list lookup component based on mapping between ontology classes and gazetteer lists gate.creole.gazetteer.OntoGazetteerImpl
GATE Ontology Editor Ontology editing tool (docs) gate.gui.OntologyEditor
Protege   gate.gui.ProtegeWrapper
ProbabilityPR A plugin to calculate the probability of annotations (docs) probability.ProbabilityPR
RASP Parser RASP (Robust Accurate Statistical Parsing) is a robust parsing system for English (docs) gate.rasp.rasp
Romanian Tokeniser A customisable Romanian tokeniser. romanian.RomanianTokeniser
Romanian Gazetteer A list lookup component. romanian.RomanianGazetteer
Romanian Transducer A module for executing Jape grammars romanian.RomanianTransducer
Keywords   com.isoco.gate.keywords.KeywordsDetector
Stemmer PR Wrapper for the Snowball stemmer (docs) stemmer.SnowballStemmer
SUPPLE Parser SUPPLE bottom-up chart parser (docs) shef.nlp.supple.SUPPLE
Gazetteer List Collector Gazetteer lists collector (docs) gate.creole.GazetteerListsCollector
GATE APF exporter An APF exporter . gate.creole.APFormatExporter
ANNIE VP Chunker ANNIE VP Chunker component (docs) gate.creole.VPChunker
Annotation Set Transfer Annotation set transfer component (docs) gate.creole.annotransfer.AnnotationSetTransfer
Flexible Exporter Exports a document with GATE annotations to its original format (docs) gate.creole.dumpingPR.DumpingPR
DAML+OIL exporter A DAML+OIL exporter gate.creole.RDFFormatExporter
GATE Morphological analyser Morphological Analyzer for the English Language (docs) gate.creole.morph.Morph
Flexible Gazetteer A more flexible list lookup component (docs). gate.creole.gazetteer.FlexibleGazetteer
Syntax tree viewer   gate.gui.SyntaxTreeViewer
TreeTagger The TreeTagger is a language-independent part-of-speech tagger, which currently supports English, French, German, and Italian (docs) gate.treetagger.TreeTagger
UIMA Analysis Engine Wrapper for a Text Analysis Engine from UIMA (docs) gate.uima.AnalysisEnginePR
WordNet 1.6 Princeton WordNet 1.6 (docs) gate.wordnet.IndexFileWordNetImpl
WordNet 1.6 Viewer WordNet viewer gate.gui.wordnet.WordNetViewer

Other contributed plugins

Multi-lingual Noun Phrase Extractor (NPE)
website download
NPE NPE is a multi-lingual noun phrase (NP) extraction component developed for the GATE architecture, implemented in JAPE. It currently supports English, German, and French. en-np_main.jape
KAON Ontology
KAON2Ontology can be accessed from In order to use it from GATE, user should register the above URL as a creole repository. (i.e. If using it from GUI, select the "Add a new Creole repository" in GATE Plugin Manager and provide this URL or Gate.getCreoleRegister().registerDirectories(new URL("") if used programmatically)
KAON Ontology An ontology implementation using KAON2 for I/O. gate.creole.ontology.kaon2.KAON2OntologyImpl
XCES tools
website download
Tools to handle documents conforming to the XML Corpus Encoding Standard (XCES) format, used by the American National Corpus. XCES is a way of encoding texts with standoff markup in XML.
ANC Document An XCES document. Allows loading of the document text, plus some or all of the sets of standoff markup associated with the document. org.xces.gate.XCESDocument
ANC Load Standoff Loads standoff annotations into an existing document. org.xces.creole.LoadStandoff
ANC Save Content Saves just the text content of a document to a file. This will work for any document - it is not specific to ANC/XCES documents. org.xces.creole.SaveContent
ANC Save Standoff Saves annotations from a Document to an XCES-compliant standoff markup file. org.xces.creole.SaveStandoff

NLP group NLP Group
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