create or replace package body persist is /* * persist.bdy * * Copyright (c) 1998-2001, The University of Sheffield. * * This file is part of GATE (see, and is free * software, licenced under the GNU Library General Public License, * Version 2, June 1991 (in the distribution as file licence.html, * and also available at * * Marin Dimitrov, 18/Sep/2001 * * $Id: persist.bdy,v 1.3 2002/04/04 12:52:38 marin Exp $ * */ ORACLE_TRUE constant number := 1; ORACLE_FALSE constant number := 0; /****************************************************************************************** * * not used yet * */ procedure get_timestamp(p_timestamp OUT number) is begin select SEQ_TIMESTAMP.nextval into p_timestamp from dual; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * returns LR name by id * */ procedure get_lr_name(p_lr_id IN number, p_lr_name OUT varchar2) is begin select lr_name into p_lr_name from t_lang_resource where lr_id = p_lr_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * removes a copus and all contained components (features) * */ procedure delete_corpus(p_lr_id IN number) is l_corp_id number; begin --0. get corp id select corp_id into l_corp_id from t_corpus where corp_lr_id = p_lr_id; --1. delete from t_corpus_document delete from t_corpus_document where cd_corp_id = l_corp_id; --2. delete t_corpus delete from t_corpus where corp_id = l_corp_id; --3. delete from t_lang_resource delete from t_lang_resource where lr_id = p_lr_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * removes a document and all contained components: * - content * - nodes * - annnotations * - features * - annotation sets * */ procedure delete_document(p_lr_id IN number) is l_doc_id number; l_content_id number; begin --0. get doc_id select doc_id into l_doc_id from t_document where doc_lr_id = p_lr_id; -- get content id select doc_content_id into l_content_id from t_document where doc_id = l_doc_id; -- 1. delete features delete from t_feature where ft_entity_id = p_lr_id and ft_entity_type = persist.FEATURE_OWNER_DOCUMENT; -- 2. delete annotations -- 2.1. delete annotations' features delete from t_feature where ft_entity_type = persist.FEATURE_OWNER_ANNOTATION and ft_entity_id in (select ann_global_id from t_annotation where ann_doc_id = l_doc_id ); --2.2. annotation to aset mappings delete from t_as_annotation where asann_ann_id in (select ann_global_id from t_annotation where ann_doc_id = l_doc_id ); --2.3 annotations delete from t_annotation where ann_doc_id = l_doc_id; -- 3. delete annotation sets delete from t_annot_set where as_doc_id = l_doc_id; -- 4. delete nodes delete from t_node where node_doc_id = l_doc_id; -- 4.5 delete from corpus if part of delete from t_corpus_document where cd_doc_id = l_doc_id; -- 5. delete document delete from t_document where doc_id = l_doc_id; -- 6. delete document content delete from t_doc_content where dc_id = l_content_id; -- 8. delete LR delete from t_lang_resource where lr_id = p_lr_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * creates a new LR * */ procedure create_lr(p_usr_id IN number, p_grp_id IN number, p_lr_type IN varchar2, p_lr_name IN varchar2, p_lr_permissions IN number, p_lr_parent_id IN number, p_lr_id OUT number) is l_lr_type number; begin -- 1. sanity check if (false = security.is_valid_security_data(p_lr_permissions,p_grp_id,p_usr_id)) then raise error.x_incomplete_data; end if; -- 3. check if the LR type supplied is valid select lrtp_id into l_lr_type from t_lr_type where lrtp_type = p_lr_type; -- 2. create a lang_resource record insert into t_lang_resource(lr_id, lr_type_id, lr_owner_user_id, lr_locking_user_id, lr_owner_group_id, lr_name, lr_access_mode, lr_parent_id) values (seq_lang_resource.nextval, l_lr_type, p_usr_id, null, p_grp_id, p_lr_name, p_lr_permissions, p_lr_parent_id) returning lr_id into p_lr_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr_type; end; /******************************************************************************************* * * creates a new document * */ procedure create_document(p_lr_id IN number, p_url IN varchar2, p_encoding IN varchar2, p_start_offset IN number, p_end_offset IN number, p_is_mrk_aware IN number, p_corpus_id IN number, p_doc_id OUT number) is l_encoding_id number; l_content_id number; l_encoding varchar2(16); cnt number; begin -- -1. if encoding is null, then set it to UTF8 l_encoding := p_encoding; if (l_encoding is null) then l_encoding := ENCODING_DEFAULT; end if; --0. get encoding ID if any, otherwise create a new -- entry in T_DOC_ENCODING select count(enc_id) into cnt from t_doc_encoding where enc_name = l_encoding; if (cnt = 0) then --oops new encoding --add it insert into t_doc_encoding(enc_id, enc_name) values (seq_doc_encoding.nextval, l_encoding) returning enc_id into l_encoding_id; else --get encoding id select enc_id into l_encoding_id from t_doc_encoding where enc_name = l_encoding; end if; --1. create a document_content entry insert into t_doc_content(dc_id, dc_encoding_id, dc_character_content, dc_binary_content, dc_content_type) values(seq_doc_content.nextval, l_encoding_id, empty_clob(), empty_blob(), persist.EMPTY_CONTENT) returning dc_id into l_content_id; --2. create a document entry insert into t_document(doc_id, doc_content_id, doc_lr_id, doc_url, doc_start, doc_end, doc_is_markup_aware) values(seq_document.nextval, l_content_id, p_lr_id, p_url, p_start_offset, p_end_offset, p_is_mrk_aware) returning doc_id into p_doc_id; --3. if part of a corpus create a corpus_document entry if (p_corpus_id is not null) then insert into t_corpus_document(cd_id, cd_corp_id, cd_doc_id) values (seq_corpus_document.nextval, p_corpus_id, p_doc_id); end if; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * creates a new annotation set * */ procedure create_annotation_set(p_lr_id IN number, p_as_name IN varchar2, p_as_id OUT number) is l_doc_id number; begin -- 1. get the DOC_ID select doc_id into l_doc_id from t_document where doc_lr_id = p_lr_id; -- 2. create an entry for the set insert into t_annot_set(as_id, as_doc_id, as_name) values(seq_annot_set.nextval, l_doc_id, p_as_name) returning as_id into p_as_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * inserts annotation in a-set * if the annotation does not exist then a new one is created * */ procedure create_annotation(p_lr_id IN number, p_ann_local_id IN number, p_as_id IN number, p_node_start_lid IN number, p_node_start_offset IN number, p_node_end_lid IN number, p_node_end_offset IN number, p_ann_type IN varchar2, p_ann_global_id OUT number) is l_doc_id number; l_start_node_gid number; l_end_node_gid number; l_ann_type_id number; cnt number; l_ann_global_id number; l_test boolean; begin -- 0. get the DOC_ID select doc_id into l_doc_id from t_document where doc_lr_id = p_lr_id; begin -- get the annotation id select ann_global_id into p_ann_global_id from t_annotation where ann_doc_id = l_doc_id and ann_local_id = p_ann_local_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then begin begin -- new annotation, create it -- 1. store nodes in DB only if they're new -- (nodes are shared between annotations so the chances -- a node is used by more than one annotation is high) -- 1.1. start node -- select the global ID select node_global_id into l_start_node_gid from t_node where node_doc_id = l_doc_id and node_local_id = p_node_start_lid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- add to DB insert into t_node(node_global_id, node_doc_id, node_local_id, node_offset) values (seq_node.nextval, l_doc_id, p_node_start_lid, p_node_start_offset) returning node_global_id into l_start_node_gid; end; begin -- 1.2. end node -- select the global ID select node_global_id into l_end_node_gid from t_node where node_doc_id = l_doc_id and node_local_id = p_node_end_lid; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- add to DB insert into t_node(node_global_id, node_doc_id, node_local_id, node_offset) values (seq_node.nextval, l_doc_id, p_node_end_lid, p_node_end_offset) returning node_global_id into l_end_node_gid; end; begin -- 2. store annotation in DB -- 2.1 get the anotation type ID select at_id into l_ann_type_id from t_annotation_type where at_name = p_ann_type; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- 2.2 if there is no such type, then create one --oops, new type --add it insert into t_annotation_type(at_id, at_name) values (seq_annotation_type.nextval, p_ann_type) returning at_id into l_ann_type_id; end; -- 2.3 insert annotation insert into t_annotation(ann_global_id, ann_doc_id, ann_local_id, ann_at_id, ann_startnode_id, ann_endnode_id) values (seq_annotation.nextval, l_doc_id, p_ann_local_id, l_ann_type_id, l_start_node_gid, l_end_node_gid) returning ann_global_id into p_ann_global_id; end; end; -- 3. create a annotation-to-aset mapping insert into t_as_annotation(asann_id, asann_ann_id, asann_as_id) values (seq_as_annotation.nextval, p_ann_global_id, p_as_id); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * creates a corpus * */ procedure create_corpus(p_lr_id IN number, p_corp_id OUT number) is begin insert into t_corpus(corp_id, corp_lr_id) values (seq_corpus.nextval, p_lr_id) returning corp_id into p_corp_id; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * checks if feature value type is valid * */ function is_valid_feature_type(p_type IN number) return boolean deterministic is begin return (p_type in (persist.VALUE_TYPE_NULL, persist.VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER, persist.VALUE_TYPE_LONG, persist.VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN, persist.VALUE_TYPE_STRING, persist.VALUE_TYPE_BINARY, persist.VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT)); end; /****************************************************************************************** * * creates a new feature * */ procedure create_feature(p_entity_id IN number, p_entity_type IN number, p_key IN varchar2, p_value_number IN number, p_value_varchar IN varchar2, p_value_type IN number, p_feat_id OUT number) is l_feature_key_id number; cnt number; begin --0. if (false = is_valid_feature_type(p_value_type)) then raise error.x_invalid_feature_type; end if; -- 1. find feature_key id begin select fk_id into l_feature_key_id from t_feature_key where fk_string = p_key; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then --2. if there is no such key then create one and get the id insert into t_feature_key(fk_id, fk_string) values(seq_feature_key.nextval, p_key) returning fk_id into l_feature_key_id; end; insert into t_feature(ft_id, ft_entity_id, ft_entity_type, ft_key_id, ft_number_value, ft_binary_value, ft_character_value, ft_long_character_value, ft_value_type) values(seq_feature.nextval, p_entity_id, p_entity_type, l_feature_key_id, p_value_number, empty_blob(), p_value_varchar, empty_clob(), p_value_type) returning ft_id into p_feat_id; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * not used? * */ procedure change_content_type(p_cont_id in number, p_new_type in number) is begin if (p_new_type not in (persist.CHARACTER_CONTENT, persist.BINARY_CONTENT, persist.EMPTY_CONTENT)) then raise error.x_invalid_content_type; end if; update t_doc_content set dc_content_type = p_new_type where dc_id = p_cont_id; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * updates LR attributes * */ procedure update_lr (p_lr_id IN number, p_lr_name IN varchar2, p_lr_parent_id IN number) is cnt number; begin --1. is there such LR? select count(LR_ID) into cnt from t_lang_resource where lr_id = p_lr_id; --2. update it update t_lang_resource set lr_name = p_lr_name, lr_parent_id = p_lr_parent_id where lr_id = p_lr_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * updates document components/atrtibutes * */ procedure update_document(p_lr_id IN number, p_url IN varchar2, p_start_offset IN number, p_end_offset IN number, p_is_mrk_aware IN number) is cnt number; begin -- 1. get the doc_id select count(doc_id) into cnt from t_document where doc_lr_id = p_lr_id; if (cnt = 0) then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end if; update t_document set doc_url = p_url, doc_start = p_start_offset, doc_end = p_end_offset, doc_is_markup_aware = p_is_mrk_aware where doc_lr_id = p_lr_id; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * removes features associated with some entity (corpus, document, annotation) * */ procedure delete_features(p_ent_id IN number, p_ent_type IN number) is begin delete from t_feature where ft_entity_id = p_ent_id and ft_entity_type = p_ent_type; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * removes annotation (and its features) * */ procedure delete_annotation(p_doc_id IN number, p_ann_local_id IN number) is l_ann_global_id number; begin -- 0. get the global ID select ann_global_id into l_ann_global_id from t_annotation where ann_doc_id = p_doc_id and ann_local_id = p_ann_local_id; -- 1. delete fetures delete from t_feature where ft_entity_id = l_ann_global_id and ft_entity_type = persist.FEATURE_OWNER_ANNOTATION; -- 2. delete aset-to-annotation mappings delete from t_as_annotation where asann_ann_id = l_ann_global_id; -- 3. delete annotations delete from t_annotation where ann_global_id = l_ann_global_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_annotation; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * locks LR, no other sessions may write to it * */ procedure lock_lr(p_lr_id IN number, p_usr_id IN number, p_grp_id IN number, p_success OUT number) is l_can_write_lr number; l_locking_user_id number; begin --1. check if the user has write access to the LR security.has_access_to_lr(p_lr_id,p_usr_id,p_grp_id,security.WRITE_ACCESS,l_can_write_lr); if (ORACLE_FALSE = l_can_write_lr) then raise error.x_insufficient_privileges; end if; --2. get the locking user if any select lr_locking_user_id into l_locking_user_id from t_lang_resource where lr_id = p_lr_id; if (l_locking_user_id is null) then --2a resource unlocked - lock it update t_lang_resource set lr_locking_user_id = p_usr_id where lr_id = p_lr_id; p_success := ORACLE_TRUE; else -- 2b resource already locked p_success := ORACLE_FALSE; end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /******************************************************************************************* * * unlocks LR * */ procedure unlock_lr(p_lr_id IN number, p_usr_id IN number) is l_locking_user_id number; begin --1. get the locking user if any select lr_locking_user_id into l_locking_user_id from t_lang_resource where lr_id = p_lr_id; -- is the reource locked by us? if (l_locking_user_id = p_usr_id or l_locking_user_id = security.ADMIN_USER_ID) then update t_lang_resource set lr_locking_user_id = null where lr_id = p_lr_id; end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * removes a-set and its annotations * */ procedure delete_annotation_set(p_lr_id IN number, p_set_name IN varchar2) is l_as_id number; begin --1. get aset ID select as_id into l_as_id from t_annot_set aset, t_document doc where aset.as_name = p_set_name and aset.as_doc_id = doc.doc_id and doc.doc_lr_id = p_lr_id; --2. delete mappings delete from t_as_annotation where asann_as_id = l_as_id; --1. delete annotations delete from t_annotation ann where exists (select members.asann_id from t_as_annotation members where members.asann_ann_id = ann.ann_global_id and members.asann_as_id = l_as_id); --3. delete set itself delete from t_annot_set where as_id = l_as_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_annotation_set; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * guess * */ procedure add_document_to_corpus(p_doc_lrid IN number, p_corp_lrid IN number) is cnt number; l_corp_id number; l_doc_id number; begin --1. get the doc_id select doc_id into l_doc_id from t_document where doc_lr_id = p_doc_lrid; --2. get the corpus ID select corp_id into l_corp_id from t_corpus where corp_lr_id = p_corp_lrid; --3. check if the document is not part of the corpus already select count(*) into cnt from t_corpus_document where cd_corp_id = l_corp_id and cd_doc_id = l_doc_id; if (cnt = 0) then --4. no such entry, add one insert into t_corpus_document(cd_id, cd_corp_id, cd_doc_id) values (seq_corpus_document.nextval, l_corp_id, l_doc_id); end if; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * processes a bulk load - the varrays passed are decomposed and proper calls * to create_feature() are made * */ procedure create_feature_bulk(p_entity_ids IN INT_ARRAY, p_entity_types IN INT_ARRAY, p_keys IN STRING_ARRAY, p_value_numbers IN INT_ARRAY, p_value_floats IN INT_ARRAY, p_value_varchars IN STRING_ARRAY, p_value_types IN INT_ARRAY, p_count IN number) is -- l_counter number; l_id number; l_number_value number; l_string_value varchar(4000); l_feature_type number; begin for i in 1 .. p_count loop l_feature_type := p_value_types(i); l_number_value := null; l_string_value := null; if (VALUE_TYPE_NULL = l_feature_type) then --do nothing null; elsif (l_feature_type = VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER or l_feature_type = VALUE_TYPE_LONG or l_feature_type = VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN) then l_number_value := p_value_numbers(i); --l_string_value := null; elsif (l_feature_type = VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT) then l_number_value := p_value_floats(i); --l_string_value := null; elsif (l_feature_type = VALUE_TYPE_STRING) then --l_number_value := null; l_string_value := p_value_varchars(i); else raise error.x_invalid_feature_type; end if; create_feature(p_entity_ids(i), p_entity_types(i), p_keys(i), l_number_value, l_string_value, l_feature_type, l_id); end loop; end; /****************************************************************************************** * * guess * */ procedure remove_document_from_corpus(p_doc_lrid IN number, p_corp_lrid IN number) is cnt number; l_corp_id number; l_doc_id number; begin --1. get the doc_id select doc_id into l_doc_id from t_document where doc_lr_id = p_doc_lrid; --2. get the corpus ID select corp_id into l_corp_id from t_corpus where corp_lr_id = p_corp_lrid; --3. delete the doc-to-corpus mapping delete from t_corpus_document where cd_corp_id = l_corp_id and cd_doc_id = l_doc_id; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then raise error.x_invalid_lr; end; /*begin -- Initialization ; */ end persist; /