Administrator AAdvisor Agriculture Secretary Ambassador Ambassadors Attorney General C.E.O. C.F.O. CEO CFO Cabinet Member Cabinet Minister Candidate Catholic deacon Chairman Of The Board Chairman of The Board Chairman of the Board Chancellor of the Exchequer Chief Engineer Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Information Officer Chief Inspector Chief Operating Officer Chief Scientist Chief Secretary Commerce Secretary Commissar Commissars Commissioner Commissioners Communist Comptroller Comptroller General Comptroller of the Currency Comrade Confederate soldier Congressman Congressmen Consultant Consultant Paediatrician Consultants Controller Controller, Western Canada Councillors Councilman Councilmen Counsel Defense Minister Defense Secretary Democrat Deputy Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Deputy Foreign Minister Detective Diplomat Diplomats Director Director Of Public Affairs Director of Communications Director of Finance Director of Marketing Director of Public Affairs Dvm Education Secretary Embassador Embassadors Engineering Manager Executive Executive Director, Americas and Direct Market Operations Executive VP Executive Vice-President, Corporate Services Executive Vice-President, Information Technologies Father Federalist Flight Engineer Foreign Officials General Manager General Secretary Gov. Governor Governor General Governors High Commissioner Highlander Home Secretary Indian chief Industry and Commerce Minister Interim Vice President - Operations Interior Minister Interior Secretary Jack-tar Janissary Jd Justice Minister King Knight Templar Labor Secretary Labourite Lawyer Leader Llb Local Authorities Local Government Officials Local Mayor Lord Chancellor Lord High Chancellor Lord Mayor Lord Privy Seal Manager Managing Director Marine Marshall Mayor Mayors Md Member of Parliament Minuteman Monsignor National Security Advisor Mugwump Nurse Officials Padre Parliamentarian Premier Premier Ministre President President of the United States President-Elect President-elect Press Secretary Prime Minister Proconsul Protestant Deacon Provost Pullman porter R-N.Y. R-S.C. Regional General Manager Rep. Reporter Representative Republican Secretary Secretary General Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Defense Secretary of Education Secretary of Energy Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Labor Secretary of State Secretary of State for the Home Department Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary of the Interior Secretary of the Treasury Secretary-Generall Senior Director of Program Management Senior Executive Senior VP Senior Vice President Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations Sheik Speaker Speakers Spokesman Spokesperson Spokeswoman Staff Reporter Teacher Transportation Secretary Treasurer Treasury Treasury Secretary V. P. VP Vicar of Christ Vice -President, Marketing Vice President Vice President - Operations Vice President of Business Development Vice President of Business Development and Worldwide Sales Vice President of Sales Vice President, Finance - Operations Vice-President Vice-President, Business Development Vice-President, Human Resources Vice-President, Sales Whig able seaman able-bodied seaman absolver academic administrator acolyte adjutant adjutant general administrative official administrator admiral admiralty aeronaut agent aggressor agricultural laborer agricultural labourer aide aide-de-camp air hostess aircraftman aircraftsman aircrewman airman airwoman almoner altar boy amah amanuensis ambassador ambassadress analyst angler animal stuffer animal trainer anthologist apotheosis appointee archbishop archdeacon archduchess archduke archpriest aristocrat armiger armor-bearer armorer armourer army officer arranger arrowsmith art director art editor artificer artilleryman artisan artist's model assessor assistant assistant foreman attendant auto-mechanic auxiliary aviator aviatress aviatrix ayah baas bacchant bacchante bachelor bachelor-at-arms backbencher baggageman bagger bagman bailiff baker balloonist bank commissioner banneret barber bargee bargeman barkeep barkeeper barmaid barman barnstormer baron baroness baronet barrel maker bart bartender baseball coach basketball coach batman batting coach beadle beautician bell captain bell founder bellboy bellhop bellman bellwether best man bey bill poster bill sticker bishop blackleg blacksmith bluejacket bo'sun boater boatman boatswain body servant bombardier book agent bookbinder bos'n boss bosun boxer brakeman brass hat bread maker breadwinner breaker bricklayer bridesmaid brigadier brigadier general bronco buster buck private buckaroo bunny girl bureaucrat burgomaster burgrave busboy bushwhacker business editor business executive butcher butler cabin boy cabinet minister cabinetmaker caddie calligrapher calligraphist campaigner candidate candy striper cannon fodder cannoneer canoeist canon cantor canvasser captain car-mechanic carabineer carabinier cardinal caretaker carhop carpenter carpet knight carrier carter cartwright carver caseworker cat's-paw cattleman cavalier cavalryman celebrant censor census taker ceramicist ceramist chair chairman chairman of the board chairperson chairwoman chambermaid champion chancellor chaplain char charcoal burner charge d'affaires charge of quarters charioteer charwoman chatelaine check girl checker cheerleader chef chevalier chief chief assistant chief executive chief executive officer chief justice chief of staff chief of state chief operating officer chief petty officer chieftain chimneysweep chimneysweeper choragus church officer churchman churchwarden cicerone city editor city father city manager civic leader civil leader civil servant cleaner cleaning lady cleaning woman clergyman cleric clerk clockmaker clocksmith coach coachbuilder coachman coal miner coalman coastguardsman coiffeur coiffeuse collectivist collector of internal revenue collier colonel color bearer color guard color sergeant commandant commander commander in chief commanding officer commando commercial traveler commercial traveller commie commissar commissioned officer commissioner commodore communist companion company man compositor comte de Saxe conditioner confessor congressman congresswoman conscript consul convener cook cookie cooky cooper coordinator copilot coppersmith copy editor copyist copyreader copywriter cordon bleu cornhusker corporal corporate executive corporate financier cosmetician counsellor counselor counterman countess coureur de bois courtier cover girl cowboy cowgirl cowhand cowherd cowman cowpoke cowpuncher cox coxswain crackerjack craftsman crew member crewman cropper crossbencher crown prince crown princess cuirassier cupbearer curate cutter czarina czaritza dairymaid dairyman dauphin day laborer day labourer deacon deaconess dean decision maker deckhand delivery boy deliveryman demigod demonstrator dental assistant dental hygienist dental technician denturist department head deputy desk clerk desk officer devil dog diemaker diesinker digger dining-room attendant diocesan diplomat diplomatic minister diplomatist director director of research dishwasher disinfestation officer dispatcher district manager ditch digger dock worker dock-walloper docker dockhand dog catcher doge dogsbody domestic domestic help domine dominee dominie dominus doorkeeper draftee draftsman draftsperson dragoon draughtsman dresser dressmaker's model drill instructor drill master driver drover drudge druid drummer duchess duke dustman dyer earl earner ecclesiastic editor elder elder statesman elected official electrician embalmer embassador employee employer enforcer engraver enlisted man enlisted person enlisted woman ensign envoy envoy extraordinary equerry escort esquire evangelist event planner ex-mayor ex-president ex-serviceman excavator exciseman executive executive director executive officer executive secretary executive vice president facilitator factory worker factotum falconer famulus farm worker farmerette farmhand farrier fashion arbiter fashion model father favorite son favourite son federal agent federal official fellah female aristocrat female monarch ferryman field marshal field officer field-grade officer fieldhand fighter pilot file clerk filer filibuster filibusterer filing clerk fille de chambre finance director finance minister financier fire marshall fire warden fireman first lieutenant first mate first sergeant fisher fisherman flag captain flag officer flamen fleet admiral flight attendant flight engineer floor leader floorwalker flunkey flunky foot soldier football coach footman footslogger foreign minister foreman forest fire fighter forewoman forger forty-niner founder fowler framer freelance fresh fish frontbencher fry cook full admiral full general functionary fund manager funeral director fusilier gaffer galley slave gandy dancer ganger garbage collector garbage man gardener garment cutter gas fitter gasman gaucho gem cutter general manager general officer generalissimo gentleman gentleman's gentleman gilder gillie girl Friday glassblower glasscutter glassworker glazer glazier gleaner goatherd goatherder gold digger gold miner gold panner goldbeater goldbrick goldsmith goldworker golf caddie gondolier gondoliere gospeler gospeller government minister governor governor general grand duchess grand duke grandee gravedigger grayback grease monkey grenade thrower grenadier grocery boy groom groomsman groundskeeper groundsman group captain guard of honor guardsman gunner gunnery sergeant gunsmith guvnor hack hairdresser hairstylist handler handmaid handmaiden handyman harpooneer harpooner harvester hatcheck girl hatchet man hawker hazan head of household head of state head waiter headman hearing examiner hearing officer helmsman helper herder herdsman hero hewer hierarch high commissioner high priest hired hand hired man hireling hirer hockey coach hod carrier hodman holdover honcho honor guard hoodoo horse wrangler horseshoer hospital attendant hospital chaplain hosteller hostess hostler hotel clerk hotel desk clerk hotel manager hotelier hotelkeeper hotelman house painter house servant housebreaker housekeeper housemaid housewrecker housing commissioner hunter huntress huntsman hussar iceman imam imaum incumbent indexer infantryman initiator insider inspector general instigator interior minister internal revenue agent internationalist internuncio interpreter invigilator jobholder joiner journeyman judge judge advocate judge advocate general jurist justice of the peace justiciar justiciary knacker knight knight bachelor knight banneret knight of the square flag knight-errant labor leader laborer labourer lackey lady's maid lady-in-waiting lama lamplighter lance corporal lancer land agent landgrave lapidary lapidist lascar lasher laundress laundryman laundrywoman lawgiver lawmaker leader leatherneck ledgeman left-winger leftist legal assistant legionary legionnaire legislator lens maker letter carrier lieutenant lieutenant JG lieutenant colonel lieutenant commander lieutenant general lieutenant governor lieutenant junior grade life peer lifeguard lifesaver light colonel lighterman line coach line officer line worker lineman linesman linkboy linkman lion-hunter litter-bearer liveryman loader lobsterback lobsterman lockkeeper lockman lockmaster locksmith longshoreman lord lumper macebearer macer machine gunner machine politician machinist magistrate magus maharaja maharajah maharanee maharani mahout maid maidservant mail carrier mail clerk mailman maintenance man maitre d'hotel major-domo major-general majority leader male aristocrat man Friday man of the cloth man-at-arms manager manageress managing director managing editor manakin mandarin manicurist manikin mannequin mannikin manservant manual laborer mapper marcher marchioness margrave mariner marquess marquis marquise marshal marshall mason master master sergeant master-at-arms mayor mayoress mechanic medical social worker medicine man mender mesne lord metalworker midinette milady military chaplain military governor military leader military man military officer military personnel military volunteer militiaman milkmaid milkman mill-girl mill-hand miller millwright milord miner mineworker minister minister of finance minister plenipotentiary ministrant minority leader mistress mixologist model moderator monitor mortician mud digger mule driver mule skinner muleteer musketeer national leader naval officer navigator navvy navy man newsboy newspaper editor noble nobleman noblewoman nominee non-Christian priest noncandidate noncom noncombatant noncommissioned officer notary notary public nuncio nurse's aide nursing aide oarsman oarswoman odd-job man office boy office-bearer officeholder officer official oilman optician orderly orderly sergeant ordinand organization man organizer ostler overseer oyabun packer paddler padre padrone painter palatine palsgrave pantryman paperboy paperer paperhanger paralegal paramedic paraprofessional paratrooper pardoner park commissioner parlormaid parlourmaid parson part-timer party boss party liner party man party whip pastor pastry cook paterfamilias patriarch patrician peacekeeper peasant peeler peer peer of the realm peeress pencil pusher pendragon penpusher pensionary peon persona grata persona non grata petty officer photographer''s model piano tuner picker pigman pilot pin-up pinko pipe fitter pitching coach pitman placeman placeseeker plasterer platelayer pledge taker plenipotentiary plotter ploughman ploughwright plowman plowwright plumber point man point woman police commissioner political boss political commissar political hack political leader politician politico pontiff pope porter poser postal clerk postman postmaster postmaster general postmistress potboy pothunter potman potter powder monkey power worker power-station worker praetor preacher preacher man prebendary prefect prelate premier presbyter preserver president presiding officer pressman pretor priest priest-doctor priestess primate prime minister prince prince consort princess princess royal prison chaplain privateer privateersman probation officer processor proconsul proctor procurator projectionist prompter promulgator proofreader property man property master propman prospector provost public servant publican puncher punter purser quarrier quarryman quartermaster quartermaster general queen queen consort queen dowager queen mother queen regent queen regnant rabbi rail-splitter railroad man railroader railway man railwayman raja rajah ranch hand ranee ranger rani ranker rat-catcher raw recruit reaper rear admiral receptionist record-keeper recruit recruiting-sergeant rector redactor redcap redcoat refiner refinisher refuse collector registrar regulator renovator rep repairer repairman representative research director reservist restaurant attendant reverend reviser revisionist revivalist rewrite man rewriter rifleman rigger right-hand man riveter rivetter road mender roadman role model roofer room clerk roundsman roustabout rower running mate sacristan sailing master sailor sailor boy saint sales demonstrator sales manager salesclerk salesgirl saleslady salesman salesperson saleswoman sandwichman satrap sawyer scene painter sceneshifter school superintendent scourer scoutmaster scribe scrivener scrutineer sculler scullion sea captain sea dog sea lawyer seafarer seaman second lieutenant second-in-command secretarial assistant secretary secretary of state section hand security director selectman selectwoman self-employed person senator seneschal senior pilot senior vice president sergeant sergeant at arms sergeant first class serjeant-at-arms sermonizer servant servant girl serviceman serving girl servitor sexton shaman sharecrop farmer sharecropper sheepherder sheepman shepherd shepherdess ship's officer shipboard soldier shipping clerk shipwright shop assistant shop boy shop clerk shop girl shop mechanic shopwalker shorthand typist sidesman sign painter signalman sire skilled worker skipper skivvy sky pilot slaughterer slave slave driver slavey smith social secretary social worker socialist soda jerk soda jerker soldier solon sommelier soundman speaker spiritual leader spokesman sports editor squire stableboy stableman staff member staff officer staff sergeant staffer stage director stage manager stage technician stagehand stager stalker stalking-horse standard-bearer state senator statesman station agent stationmaster steeplejack steersman stenographer stevedore steward stewardess stipendiary magistrate stoker stone breaker stone cutter stonecutter stonemason straw boss street cleaner street sweeper stretcher-bearer strike leader strikebreaker striker striver stunt flier stunt pilot stylist subaltern subeditor sublieutenant submariner suffragan suffragan bishop superintendent superman superordinate supervisor supply officer supporter surgeon general sweep swineherd tally clerk tallyman tamer tank driver tanker tanner tapster taskmaster taskmistress taste-maker tax assessor tax collector taxidermist taxman teamster technical sergeant technician technocrat telecoms analyst televangelist teller temporary worker tennis coach territorial test pilot text editor thane thatcher theater prompter throwster thurifer timekeeper tinker tinsmith toiler toll agent toll collector toller tollgatherer tollkeeper tollman tolltaker torchbearer touch-typist town clerk tracker tracklayer trade unionist trail boss trainbearer trained worker trainer trainman trainmaster trapper traveling salesman travelling salesman trend-setter trial judge tribal chief trier triumvir troller trooper trouble shooter troubleshooter tsarina tsaritsa tuner turncock turner typesetter typist typographer tzarina undersecretary undertaker union member unionist unpaid worker upholsterer usher usherette utility man valet valet de chambre vaquero varlet verger vestal virgin vestryman vestrywoman vet veteran veteran soldier vicar vicar apostolic vicar-general vice admiral vice chairman vice chancellor vice president vice-regent vicereine viceroy vigilance man vigilante viscount viscountess vizier voluntary volunteer votary vote counter wage earner waggoner waggonwright wagoner wagonwright wainwright waiter waiter's assistant waitress wallah ward-heeler warehouseman warehouser warlord warrant officer washer washerman washerwoman washwoman water boy water dog water rat waterman weaver welder welfare worker whaler wheelwright whipper-in window cleaner window dresser window trimmer window washer wine steward wine waiter wing commander wingman woodcarver woodcutter woodman woodsman woodworker working girl working man working person workman workmate wrangler wrecker wright write-in candidate yachtsman yachtswoman yardmaster