#### suite/funcs_1/t/a_version_check.test # # just a simple check of the version to be sure the correct server version is # checked against the funcs_1 tests. # just show machine and version to be sure we are testing the correct files # let $message= . Just show the version string for which the results in suite . funcs_1 have been checked. . . I know that the .result file of this check needs to . updated with each new version --- THIS IS INTENDED!; --source include/show_msg.inc --disable_query_log SELECT CONCAT('funcs_1 checked with version: ', SUBSTR(version(), 1, 6 ) ) AS " "; #SELECT CONCAT('aa = ', 'bb'); #SELECT CONCAT('aa = ', 'bb') AS " "; if (0) { # these more detailed results create differences between the OS. # mioght be used later when we enable OS dependent .result files --vertical_results SELECT @@version_compile_os AS 'vers_comp_os', current_date; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'vers%'; --horizontal_results }