1.5. Document styles
1.5.1. Changing the style
The general style (or type) of a document can be changed by initialising the OPT_STYLE variable on the top line of a document. For example:
!init OPT_STYLE="manual"
Alternatively, sdf's -s option can be used. For example:
sdf -2ps -smanual mydoc
Note: The -s option overrides the init macro setting.
1.5.2. Available styles
The available document styles, grouped by style category, are:
Style | Purpose |
General: | |
document | a normal document |
manual | a manual |
paper | a technical paper |
Administration: | |
admin | generic administration document |
fax | a fascimile |
memo | a memorandum |
newslttr | a newsletter |
minutes | minutes of a meeting |
Miscellaneous: | |
listing | a source code listing |
1.5.3. Building a title
Each style category has a different way of building a title section:
- general styles use the build_title macro
- administration styles use the title filter
- miscellaneous styles do not have a title.
1.5.4. Creating new styles
It is relatively simple to create new styles by inheriting details from an existing one.
Refer to the SDF Guru Guide for details.