For the purposes of these resolution rules, here are some important definitions:
This is an identifier without a namespace separator, such as Foo
This is an identifier with a namespace separator, such as Foo\Bar
This is an identifier with a namespace separator that begins with a namespace separator, such as \Foo\Bar. namespace\Foo is also a fully qualified name.
Names are resolved following these resolution rules:
Beispiel #1 Name resolutions illustrated
namespace A;
use B\D, C\E as F;
// function calls
foo(); // first tries to call "foo" defined in namespace "A"
// then calls global function "foo"
\foo(); // calls function "foo" defined in global scope
my\foo(); // calls function "foo" defined in namespace "A\my"
F(); // first tries to call "F" defined in namespace "A"
// then calls global function "F"
// class references
new B(); // creates object of class "B" defined in namespace "A"
// if not found, it tries to autoload class "A\B"
new D(); // using import rules, creates object of class "D" defined in namespace "B"
// if not found, it tries to autoload class "B\D"
new F(); // using import rules, creates object of class "E" defined in namespace "C"
// if not found, it tries to autoload class "C\E"
new \B(); // creates object of class "B" defined in global scope
// if not found, it tries to autoload class "B"
new \D(); // creates object of class "D" defined in global scope
// if not found, it tries to autoload class "D"
new \F(); // creates object of class "F" defined in global scope
// if not found, it tries to autoload class "F"
// static methods/namespace functions from another namespace
B\foo(); // calls function "foo" from namespace "A\B"
B::foo(); // calls method "foo" of class "B" defined in namespace "A"
// if class "A\B" not found, it tries to autoload class "A\B"
D::foo(); // using import rules, calls method "foo" of class "D" defined in namespace "B"
// if class "B\D" not found, it tries to autoload class "B\D"
\B\foo(); // calls function "foo" from namespace "B"
\B::foo(); // calls method "foo" of class "B" from global scope
// if class "B" not found, it tries to autoload class "B"
// static methods/namespace functions of current namespace
A\B::foo(); // calls method "foo" of class "B" from namespace "A\A"
// if class "A\A\B" not found, it tries to autoload class "A\A\B"
\A\B::foo(); // calls method "foo" of class "B" from namespace "A\B"
// if class "A\B" not found, it tries to autoload class "A\B"