# This example shows a nonlinear system with a stable limit cycle. # You may run it by typing # ode -f limitcycle.ode | graph -T X -C -x -2 2 -y -2 2 # step 0,2 # step 2,4 # step 4,6 # step 6,8 # . # An orbit converging on the limit cycle will be traced out incrementally. # If you are using a color X Window System display, each segment of the # orbit will be a different color. This is a feature provided by `graph', # which normally changes the linemode after each dataset it reads. If you # do not like this feature, you may turn it off by using `graph -B' instead # of `graph'. yone' = yone + ytwo - yone*(yone*yone+ytwo*ytwo) ytwo' = -yone + ytwo - ytwo*(yone*yone+ytwo*ytwo) yone = 1 ytwo = 2 print yone, ytwo