Readme.txt file for the latex package "pst-uml" ----------------------------------------------- When-Who-Where? -------------- who: Maurice DIAMANTINI where: when: Package "pst-uml": 27/04/98 FRENCH doc "pst-uml": 27/04/98 this readme: 18/12/98 :-) pst-uml is in Alpha version, and not yet cleanly packaged. I hope to be able to continue it before juny 1999. (27 oct 99 : sorry, pst-uml is unchanged!) ********** (But any remarks are welcome :-) **************** What is pst-uml --------------- pst-uml.sty is a latex package written for my need to draw some UML diagramms using pstricks package. "pst-uml" rely on pstricks (pst-keys.sty) and some other standard packages. In particular the following files : - pst-keys.sty : use by pst-uml.sty but include in recent standard latex distribution. - fancyvrb.sty : NOT USE by pst-uml.sty, but requested for compiling the documentations. - fvrb-ex.sty : idem above How to use pst-uml? ------------------- Copy the file pst-uml.sty in your working directory (latex project) or in the PATH of TEX input file. Normaly, this is the only thing to do... Documentation ------------- All documentation is IN FRENCH. It is based on the two top files: - doc_pst-uml.tex: reference doc for pst-uml.sty (description of the differents commands provide by pst-keys.sty) - exemplesUml.tex: some examples of UML diagramms using "pst-uml" This file use secondary files such as : - diagCase.tex - diagClass.tex - diagState.tex - diagSeq.tex Compiling the documentations files require the packages fancyvrb.sty and fvrb-ex.sty in addition to the pst-uml.sty package. There is postscript version of the two documentation files above with the "pst-uml" distribution. Modifications ------------- 18/12/98 : modif Makefile and remove out-dated packages from pst-uml distribution. 27/04/98 : last update of pst-uml and its documentation