If your bibliographic style uses initials + surname, you may encounter a problem with some transcribed names (for example, Russian ones). Consider the following example from the real world:
Note that the "Yu" is the initial, not a complete name. However, BibTeX's algorithms will leave you with a citation - slightly depending on the bibliographic style - that reads: "S. Y. Epifanov and A. A. Vigasin, ...". instead of the intended "S. Yu. Epifanov and A. A. Vigasin, ...".@article{epifanov1997, author = {Epifanov, S. Yu. and Vigasin, A. A.}, title = ... }
One solution is to replace each affected initial by a command that
prints the correct combination. To keep your bibliography portable,
you need to add that command to your bibliography with the
If you have many such commands, you may want to put them in a separate file and@preamble{ {\providecommand{\BIBYu}{Yu} } } @article{epifanov1997, author = {Epifanov, S. {\BIBYu}. and Vigasin, A. A.}, title = ... }
that LaTeX file in a @preamble
This question on the Web: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=bibtranscinit