README for hyperref bundle 2003/07/27 TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= Introduction Download Installation Additional Packages New Features Package Compatibility Hints Authors/Maintainers Bugreports Known Problems ToDo INTRODUCTION ============ This package is used to emend cross-referencing commands in LaTeX to produce some sort of \special commands; there are backends for the \special set defined for HyperTeX dvi processors, for embedded pdfmark commands for processing by Acrobat Distiller (dvips and dvipsone), for dviwindo, for pdfTeX, for TeX4ht, and for VTEX's pdf and HTML backends. Included are: a) `backref' a package by David Carlisle to provide links back from bibliography to the main text; these are hypertext links after using hyperref. b) `nameref' a package to allow reference to the *names* of sections rather than their numbers. Sebastian Rahtz Heiko Oberdiek December 1994-March 2002 DOWNLOAD ======== `hyperref' is available on CTAN: CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyperref/ `CTAN:' means one of the `Comprehensive TeX Archive Network' nodes or one of its mirrors. This is explained in The files are organized in three, sometimes four directories: ./ Root directory that contains `README', `.dtx', and `.ins' files. doc/ Directory for documentation files. test/ Directory for some test files. beta/ Sometimes this directory exists and contains the latest beta/test versions of some files, often `hyperref.dtx'. The main repository of hyperref is located at the server of the international `TeX User Group' (TUG). The hyperref directory at the TUG server contains the following files: The files of the four directories, described above, are packed into four ZIP archives, so that they can be easily downloaded. (The ZIP files do not contain directories.) manual.html manual2.html manual.css HTML version of the quite old hyperref manual in `doc/manual.pdf'. The CTAN stuff will be mirrored automatically from the ftp server, so corresponds to CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyperref/ INSTALLATION ============ a) Download the hyperref files from CTAN or the TUG server. If necessary, unpack them. b) Replace the files by the counterparts in the beta directory, if you want to use the latest versions. c) Generate the package and driver files: tex hyperref.ins d) Install the files `*.sty', `*.def', and `*.cfg' in your TDS tree: cp *.sty *.def *.cfg .../texmf/tex/latex/hyperref/ Replace `...' by the prefix of your TDS tree. e) Update the databases if necessary, eg. for teTeX: mktexlsr .../texmf ADDITIONAL PACKAGES =================== Depending on the driver, hyperref loads other packages: * url.sty CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/url.sty * keyval.sty, color.sty: CTAN:macros/latex/required/graphics/ An uptodate pdftex.def is available at CTAN:macros/pdftex/graphics/pdftex.def NEW FEATURES ============ * Default driver setting (hyperref >= 6.72s). If no driver is given, hyperref tries its best to guess the most suitable driver. Thus it loads "hpdftex", if pdfTeX is detected running in PDF mode. Or it loads the corresponding VTeX driver for VTeX's working modes. Unhappily many driver programs run after the TeX compiler, so hyperref does not have a chance (dvips, dvipdfm, ...). In this case driver "hypertex" is loaded that supports the HyperTeX features that are recognized by xdvi for example. This behaviour, however, can easily changed in the configuration file "hyperref.cfg": \providecommand*{\Hy@defaultdriver}{hdvips} for dvips, or \providecommand*{\Hy@defaultdriver}{hypertex} for the default behaviour of hyperref. PACKAGE COMPATIBILITY ===================== Currently only package loading orders are available: algorithm: \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[chapter]{algorithm}% eg. babel/magyar.ldf: unsupported magyar.ldf's redefinitions of many LaTeX internals conflict with hyperref's redefinitions of these commands. cite: This is from Mike Shell: > cite.sty cannot currently be used with hyperref. > However, I can do a workaround via: > > \makeatletter > \def\NAT@parse{\typeout{This is a fake Natbib command to fool Hyperref.}} > \makeatother > > \usepackage[hypertex]{hyperref} > > so that hyperref will not redefine any of the biblabel stuff - so cite.sty > will work as normal - although the citations will not be hyperlinked, of > course (But this may not be an issue for many people). dblaccnt: pd1enc.def or puenc.def should be loaded before: \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{dblaccnt} or see entry for "vietnam". easyeqn: not compatible, breaks. float: \usepackage{float} \usepackage{hyperref} * Several \caption commands are not supported inside one float object. * Anchor are set at top of the float object, if its style is controlled by float.sty. footnote: This package is not supported, you have to disable hyperref's footnote support by using option "hyperfootnotes=false". IEEEtran.cls: version >= V1.6b (because of \@makecaption, see ChangeLog) lastpage: compatible linguex: \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{linguex} ltabptch: \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{ltabptch} \usepackage{hyperref} minitoc-hyper: This package is obsolete, use the uptodate original package minitoc instead. natbib: \usepackage{natbib} \usepackage{hyperref} nomencl: Example for introducing links for the page numbers: \renewcommand*{\pagedeclaration}[1]{\unskip, \hyperpage{#1}} prettyref: %%% example for prettyref %%% \documentclass{article} \usepackage{prettyref} \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref} %\newrefformat{FIG}{Figure~\ref{#1}}% without hyperref \newrefformat{FIG}{\hyperref[{#1}]{Figure~\ref*{#1}}} \begin{document} This is a reference to \prettyref{FIG:ONE}. \newpage \begin{figure} \caption{This is my figure} \label{FIG:ONE} \end{figure} \end{document} %%% example for prettyref %%% ntheorem: ntheorem-hyper.sty is an old patched version of ntheorem.sty. Newer versions of ntheorem know the option hyperref: \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[hyperref]{ntheorem} setspace: \usepackage{setspace} \usepackage{hyperref} sidecap before 2002/05/24 v1.5h: \usepackage{nameref} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{sidecap} subfigure 1995/03/06 v2.0: \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{hyperref} % hypertexnames is set to false. subfigure v2.1: \usepackage{nameref} \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{hyperref} or \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{subfigure} subfigure v2.1.2: please update subfigure v2.1.3: \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{subfigure} or vice versa? titleref: \usepackage{nameref} \usepackage{titleref}% without usetoc \usepackage{hyperref} titlesec: "nameref" supports titlesec, but hyperref does not (unsolved is the anchor setting, missing with unnumbered section, perhaps problems with page breaks with numbered ones). varioref: \usepackage{nameref} \usepackage{varioref} \usepackage{hyperref} vietnam: % pd1enc.def should be loaded before package dblaccnt: \usepackage[PD1,OT1]{fontenc} \usepackage{vietnam} \usepackage{hyperref} HINTS ===== * Index with makeindex * Package hyperref adds \hyperpage commands by the encap mechanism, if option hyperindex is set (default). \hyperpage uses the page anchors that are set by hyperref at each page (default). However in the default case page numbers are used in anchor names in arabic form. If the page numbers in other formats are used (book class with \frontmatter, \romannumbering, ...), then the page anchors are not unique. Therefore option "plainpages=false" is recommended. * The encap mechanism of hyperref allows one command only. If the user sets such a command, hyperref suppresses its \hyperpage command. With logical markup this situation can easily solved: \usepackage{makeidx} \makeindex \usepackage[hyperindex]{hyperref} \newcommand*{\main}[1]{\textbf{\hyperpage{#1}}} ... \index{Some example|main} * Other encap characters can be set by option "encap". Example for use of "?": \usepackage[encap=?]{hyperref} * An other possibility is the insertion of \hyperpage by a style file for makeindex. For this case, hyperref's insertion will be disabled by "hyperindex=false". \hyperpage will be defined regardless of setting of hyperindex. %%% cut %%% %%% cut %%% delim_0 ", \\hyperpage{" delim_1 ", \\hyperpage{" delim_2 ", \\hyperpage{" delim_n "}, \\hyperpage{" delim_t "}" encap_prefix "}\\" encap_infix "{\\hyperpage{" encap_suffix "}" %%% cut %%% %%% cut %%% * Warning "bookmark level for unknown defaults to 0". Getting rid of it: \makeatletter \providecommand*{\toclevel@}{0} \makeatother * Link anchors in figures. The caption command increments the counter and here is the place where hyperref set the corresponding anchor. Unhappily the caption is set below the figure, so the figure is not visible if a link jumps to a figure. In this cases, try package "hypcap.sty" that implements a method to circumvent the problem. AUTHORS/MAINTAINERS =================== * Sebastian Rahtz * Heiko Oberdiek BUGREPORTS ========== A bug report should contain: * Comprehensive problem description. This includes error or warning messages. * \errorcontextlines=\maxdimen can be added in the TeX code to get more informations in TeX error messages. * Minimal test file that shows the problem, but does not contain any unnecessary packages and code. * Used drivers/programs. * Version information about used packages and programs. * If you are using LaTeX, then add "\listfiles" to get a list of version informations at the end of the LaTeX run. * Please no other files than the minimal test file. The other files .log, .dvi, .ps, .pdf are seldom necessary, so send them only on request. Bug address: Heiko Oberdiek KNOWN PROBLEMS ============== * (half-done) hyper images (link from thumbnail in text) * Relative links are not sorted out or documented well. For PDF generation: * With baseurl: all links are considered relative to this URL. * Without baseurl: a relative link without "file:" can be achieved by: \begingroup \hypersetup{linkfileprefix={}}% \href{../foo/bar.html}{bar.html} \endgroup * ... TODO ==== * modules * bookmark organisation * documentation * PDF threads * more for PDF forms * per object setting * vary gap between text and box * better color interface for *bordercolor options * ...