CHANGE 2005/01/20: We have devised macros for indexing with line numbers, yet we don't take the time to release them officially. If you are interested, please ask via CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.1 2004/10/19: extension packages from the Ednotes bundle for enabling \linelabel in math mode and tabular environments are now handled through new package options `mathrefs', `edtable', `longtable', and `nolongtablepatch'. Two of these extension packages moved from the ednotes folder to the lineno folder. lineno.tex/pdf has been updated accordingly. CHANGES for lineno.sty v4.00 2004/09/03: o incorporated earlier extension packages linenox0.sty, linenox1.sty, lnopatch.sty (which belonged to the Ednotes bundle before); o adopted LaTeX Project Public License v1.3.