One PSfrag user reports that XFig's "pattern fill" commands are incompatible with PSfrag. I haven't yet figured out what to do about this in the long term, but I do have an immediate workaround. The problem has to do with the fact that both PSfrag and XFig redefine PostScript's "show" command. As far as I can tell, they _shouldn't_ conflict with each other, but they do. This workaround is evidence of this fact; perhaps someone can suggest who is at fault here---XFig, PSfrag, or both---and provide a fix for each that will be robust to situations like this. Given any XFig figure converted to Encapsulated PostScript (from recent versions of XFig, at least), look for the "/PATfill" command. Inside this subroutine, replace "show" with "oldshow" (there is only one occurrence). This seems to allow the figure to display properly, _and_ PSfrag to replace the text properly. "oldshow" is the place where XFig stores the "old" version of the show routine, before it redefines "show" for its own purposes. If you can determine why this fix works, and convince the Xfig maintainers to make the change, great! If you can convince me that PSfrag is in the wrong here, and can suggest a way to fix _that_, that's great too. Just drop us a line at with your tips. Thanks Michael