#!/usr/bin/env ruby # program : texmfstart # copyright : PRAGMA Advanced Document Engineering # version : 1.05 - 2003/2004 # author : Hans Hagen # # project : ConTeXt / eXaMpLe # info : j.hagen@xs4all.nl # www : www.pragma-pod.com / www.pragma-ade.com # no special requirements, i.e. no exa modules/classes used # texmfstart [switches] filename [optional arguments] # # ruby2exe texmfstart --help -> avoids stub test # # Of couse I can make this into a nice class, which i'll undoubtely will # do when I feel the need. In that case it will be part of a bigger game. # turning this into a service would be nice, so some day ... # --locate => provides location # --exec => exec instead of system # --iftouched=a,b => only if timestamp a<>b require "rbconfig" $mswindows = Config::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin/ $separator = File::PATH_SEPARATOR $version = "1.5.2" if $mswindows then require "win32ole" require "Win32API" GetShortPathName = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetShortPathName', ['P','P','N'], 'N') GetLongPathName = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetLongPathName', ['P','P','N'], 'N') def dowith_pathname (filename,filemethod) filename = filename.gsub(/\\/o,'/') # no gsub! because filename can be frozen case filename when /\;/o then # could be a path spec return filename when /\s+/o then # danger lurking buffer = ' ' * 260 length = filemethod.call(filename,buffer,buffer.size) if length>0 then return buffer.slice(0..length-1) else # when the path or file does not exist, nothing is returned # so we try to handle the path separately from the basename basename = File.basename(filename) pathname = File.dirname(filename) length = filemethod.call(pathname,buffer,260) if length>0 then return buffer.slice(0..length-1) + '/' + basename else return filename end end else # no danger return filename end end def shortpathname (filename) dowith_pathname(filename,GetShortPathName) end def longpathname (filename) dowith_pathname(filename,GetLongPathName) end else def shortpathname (filename) filename end def longpathname (filename) filename end end class File def File.needsupdate(oldname,newname) begin return File.stat(oldname).mtime != File.stat(newname).mtime rescue return true end end def File.syncmtimes(oldname,newname) begin t = File.mtime(oldname) # i'm not sure if the time is frozen, so we do it here File.utime(0,t,oldname,newname) rescue end end end $applications = Hash.new $suffixinputs = Hash.new $predefined = Hash.new $suffixinputs['pl'] = 'PERLINPUTS' $suffixinputs['rb'] = 'RUBYINPUTS' $suffixinputs['py'] = 'PYTHONINPUTS' $suffixinputs['jar'] = 'JAVAINPUTS' $suffixinputs['pdf'] = 'PDFINPUTS' $predefined['texexec'] = 'texexec.pl' $predefined['texutil'] = 'texutil.pl' $predefined['texfont'] = 'texfont.pl' $predefined['examplex'] = 'examplex.rb' $predefined['concheck'] = 'concheck.rb' $predefined['textools'] = 'textools.rb' $predefined['ctxtools'] = 'ctxtools.rb' $predefined['pdftools'] = 'pdftools.rb' $predefined['exatools'] = 'exatools.rb' $predefined['xmltools'] = 'xmltools.rb' $predefined['pstopdf'] = 'pstopdf.rb' $scriptlist = 'rb|pl|py|jar' $documentlist = 'pdf|ps|eps|htm|html' def hashed (arr=[]) arg = if arr.class == String then arr.split(' ') else arr.dup end hsh = Hash.new if arg.length > 0 hsh['arguments'] = '' done = false arg.each do |s| if done then hsh['arguments'] += ' ' + s else kvl = s.split('=') if kvl[0].sub!(/^\-+/,'') then hsh[kvl[0]] = if kvl.length > 1 then kvl[1] else true end else hsh['file'] = s done = true end end end end return hsh end def launch(filename) if $browser && $mswindows then filename.gsub!(/\.[\/\\]/) do Dir.getwd + '/' end report("launching #{filename}") ie = WIN32OLE.new("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.visible = true ie.navigate(filename) return true else return false end end def expanded(arg) # no "other text files", too restricted arg.gsub(/kpse\:(\S+)/o) do original, resolved = $1, '' if $program && ! $program.empty? then pstr = "-progname=#{$program}" else pstr = '' end # auto suffix with texinputs as fall back begin resolved = `kpsewhich #{pstr} #{original}`.chomp rescue resolved = '' end # elsewhere in the tree if resolved.empty? then begin resolved = `kpsewhich #{pstr} -format="other text files" #{original}`.chomp rescue resolved = '' end end if resolved.empty? then report("#{original} is not resolved") unless $report original else report("#{original} is resolved to #{resolved}") unless $report resolved end end end def runcommand(command) if $locate then print(command) elsif $execute then report("using 'exec' instead of 'system' call: #{command}") if $verbose begin Dir.chdir($path) if ! $path.empty? rescue report("unable to chdir to: #{$path}") if $verbose end exec(command) else report("using 'system' call: #{command}") if $verbose begin Dir.chdir($path) if ! $path.empty? rescue report("unable to chdir to: #{$path}") if $verbose end system(command) end end def runoneof(application,fullname,browserpermitted) if browserpermitted && launch(fullname) then return true else report("starting #{$filename}") unless $report print "\n" if $report && $verbose applications = $applications[application] if applications.class == Array then if $report then print [fullname,expanded($arguments)].join(' ') return true else applications.each do |a| if runcommand([a,fullname,expanded($arguments)].join(' ')) then return true end end end elsif applications.empty? then if $report then print [fullname,expanded($arguments)].join(' ') return true else return runcommand([fullname,expanded($arguments)].join(' ')) end else if $report then print [applications,fullname,expanded($arguments)].join(' ') return true else return runcommand([applications,fullname,expanded($arguments)].join(' ')) end end return false end end def report(str) print str + "\n" if $verbose ; end def usage print "version : #{$version} - 2003/2004 - www.pragma-ade.com\n" print("\n") print("usage : texmfstart [switches] filename [optional arguments]\n") print("\n") print("switches : --verbose --report --browser --direct --execute --locate\n") print(" --program --file --page --arguments\n") print(" --make --lmake --wmake\n") print("\n") print("example : texmfstart pstopdf.rb cow.eps\n") print(" texmfstart --locate examplex.rb\n") print(" texmfstart --execute examplex.rb\n") print(" texmfstart --browser examplap.pdf\n") print(" texmfstart showcase.pdf\n") print(" texmfstart --page=2 --file=showcase.pdf\n") print(" texmfstart --program=yourtex yourscript.pl arg-1 arg-2\n") print(" texmfstart --direct xsltproc kpse:somefile.xsl somefile.xml\n") print(" texmfstart bin:xsltproc kpse:somefile.xsl somefile.xml\n") print(" texmfstart --iftouched=normal,lowres downsample.rb normal lowres\n") end # somehow registration does not work out (at least not under windows) def registered?(filename) return ENV["texmfstart.#{filename}"] != nil end def registered(filename) return ENV["texmfstart.#{filename}"] end def register(filename,fullname) if fullname && ! fullname.empty? then # && FileTest.file?(fullname) ENV["texmfstart.#{filename}"] = fullname return true else return false end end def find(filename,program) if $predefined.key?(filename) then report("expanding '#{filename}' to '#{$predefined[filename]}'") filename = $predefined[filename] end if registered?(filename) then report("already located '#{filename}'") return registered(filename) end # create suffix list if filename =~ /^(.*)\.(.+)$/ then filename = $1 suffixlist = [$2] else suffixlist = [$scriptlist.split('|'),$documentlist.split('|')].flatten end # first we honor a given path if filename =~ /[\\\/]/ then report("trying to honor '#{filename}'") suffixlist.each do |suffix| fullname = filename+'.'+suffix if FileTest.file?(fullname) && register(filename,fullname) return shortpathname(fullname) end end end filename.sub!(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') # next we look at the current path suffixlist.each do |suffix| report("locating '#{filename}.#{suffix}' in currentpath") fullname = './'+filename+'.'+suffix if FileTest.file?(fullname) && register(filename,fullname) then report("'#{filename}.#{suffix}' located in currentpath") return shortpathname(fullname) end end # now we consult environment settings fullname = nil suffixlist.each do |suffix| begin break unless $suffixinputs[suffix] environment = ENV[$suffixinputs[suffix]] || ENV[$suffixinputs[suffix]+".#{$program}"] if ! environment || environment.empty? then begin environment = `kpsewhich -expand-path=\$#{$suffixinputs[suffix]}`.chomp rescue environment = nil else if environment && ! environment.empty? then report("using kpsewhich variable #{$suffixinputs[suffix]}") end end elsif environment && ! environment.empty? then report("using environment variable #{$suffixinputs[suffix]}") end if environment && ! environment.empty? then environment.split($separator).each do |e| e.strip! e = '.' if e == '\.' # somehow . gets escaped e += '/' unless e =~ /[\\\/]$/ fullname = e + filename + '.' + suffix report("testing '#{fullname}'") if FileTest.file?(fullname) then break else fullname = nil end end end rescue report("environment string '#{$suffixinputs[suffix]}' cannot be used to locate '#{filename}'") fullname = nil else return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end end return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) # then we fall back on kpsewhich suffixlist.each do |suffix| # TDS script scripts location as per 2004 if suffix =~ /(#{$scriptlist})/ then begin report("using 'kpsewhich' to locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (1)") fullname = `kpsewhich -progname=#{program} -format=texmfscripts #{filename}.#{suffix}`.chomp rescue report("kpsewhich cannot locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (1)") fullname = nil else return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end end # old TDS location: .../texmf/context/... begin report("using 'kpsewhich' to locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (2)") fullname = `kpsewhich -progname=#{program} -format="other text files" #{filename}.#{suffix}`.chomp rescue report("kpsewhich cannot locate '#{filename}' in suffix space '#{suffix}' (2)") fullname = nil else return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end end return fullname if register(filename,fullname) # bad luck, we need to search the tree ourselves if (suffixlist.length == 1) && (suffixlist.first =~ /(#{$documentlist})/) then report("aggressively locating '#{filename}' in document trees") begin texroot = `kpsewhich -expand-var=$SELFAUTOPARENT`.chomp rescue texroot = '' else texroot.sub!(/[\\\/][^\\\/]*?$/, '') end if not texroot.empty? then sffxlst = suffixlist.join(',') begin report("locating '#{filename}' in document tree '#{texroot}/doc*'") if (result = Dir.glob("#{texroot}/doc*/**/#{filename}.{#{sffxlst}}")) && result && result[0] && FileTest.file?(result[0]) then fullname = result[0] end rescue report("locating '#{filename}.#{suffix}' in tree '#{texroot}' aborted") end end return shortpathname(fullname) if register(filename,fullname) end report("aggressively locating '#{filename}' in tex trees") begin textrees = `kpsewhich -expand-var=$TEXMF`.chomp rescue textrees = '' end if not textrees.empty? then textrees.gsub!(/[\{\}\!]/, '') textrees = textrees.split(',') if (suffixlist.length == 1) && (suffixlist.first =~ /(#{$documentlist})/) then speedup = ['doc**','**'] else speedup = ['**'] end sffxlst = suffixlist.join(',') speedup.each do |speed| textrees.each do |tt| tt.gsub!(/[\\\/]$/, '') if FileTest.directory?(tt) then begin report("locating '#{filename}' in tree '#{tt}/#{speed}/#{filename}.{#{sffxlst}}'") if (result = Dir.glob("#{tt}/#{speed}/#{filename}.{#{sffxlst}}")) && result && result[0] && FileTest.file?(result[0]) then fullname = result[0] break end rescue report("locating '#{filename}' in tree '#{tt}' aborted") next end end end break if fullname && ! fullname.empty? end end if register(filename,fullname) then return shortpathname(fullname) else return '' end end def run(fullname) if ! fullname || fullname.empty? then report("the file '#{$filename}' is not found") elsif FileTest.file?(fullname) then begin case fullname when /\.(#{$scriptlist})$/ then return runoneof($1,fullname,false) when /\.(#{$documentlist})$/ then return runoneof($1,fullname,true) else return runoneof('unknown',fullname,false) end rescue report("starting '#{$filename}' in program space '#{$program}' fails") end else report("the file '#{$filename}' in program space '#{$program}' is not accessible") end return false end def direct(fullname) begin return runcommand([fullname.sub(/^bin\:/, ''),expanded($arguments)].join(' ')) rescue return false end end def make(filename,windows=false,linux=false) basename = filename.dup basename.sub!(/\.[^.]+?$/, '') basename.sub!(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') basename = $stubpath + '/' + basename unless $stubpath.empty? if basename == filename then report('nothing made') else program = nil if filename =~ /[\\\/]/ && filename =~ /\.(#{$scriptlist})$/ then program = $applications[$1] end filename = "\"#{filename}\"" if filename =~ /\s/ program = 'texmfstart' if $indirect || ! program || program.empty? begin if windows && f = open(basename+'.bat','w') then f.binmode f.write("@echo off\015\012") f.write("#{program} #{filename} %*\015\012") f.close report("windows stub '#{basename}.bat' made") elsif linux && f = open(basename,'w') then f.binmode f.write("#!/bin/sh\012") f.write("#{program} #{filename} $@\012") f.close report("unix stub '#{basename}' made") end rescue report("failed to make stub '#{basename}'") else return true end end return false end $stdout.sync = true $directives = hashed(ARGV) $help = $directives['help'] || false $filename = $directives['file'] || '' $program = $directives['program'] || 'context' $direct = $directives['direct'] || false $page = $directives['page'] || 0 $browser = $directives['browser'] || false $report = $directives['report'] || false $verbose = $directives['verbose'] || false $arguments = $directives['arguments'] || '' $execute = $directives['execute'] || $directives['exec'] || false $locate = $directives['locate'] || false $path = $directives['path'] || '' $make = $directives['make'] || false $unix = $directives['unix'] || false $windows = $directives['windows'] || false $stubpath = $directives['stubpath'] || '' $indirect = $directives['indirect'] || false $iftouched = $directives['iftouched'] || false $openoffice = $directives['oo'] || false $applications['unknown'] = '' $applications['perl'] = $applications['pl'] = 'perl' $applications['ruby'] = $applications['rb'] = 'ruby' $applications['python'] = $applications['py'] = 'python' $applications['java'] = $applications['jar'] = 'java' if $openoffice then if ENV['OOPATH'] then if FileTest.directory?(ENV['OOPATH']) then report("using open office python") if $verbose if $mswindows then $applications['python'] = $applications['py'] = "\"#{File.join(ENV['OOPATH'],'program','python.bat')}\"" else $applications['python'] = $applications['py'] = File.join(ENV['OOPATH'],'python') end report("python path #{$applications['python']}") if $verbose else report("environment variable 'OOPATH' does not exist") if $verbose end else report("environment variable 'OOPATH' is not set") if $verbose end end if $mswindows then $applications['pdf'] = ['',"pdfopen --page #{$page} --file",'acroread'] $applications['html'] = ['','netscape','mozilla','opera','iexplore'] $applications['ps'] = ['','gview32','gv','gswin32','gs'] else $applications['pdf'] = ["pdfopen --page #{$page} --file",'acroread'] $applications['html'] = ['netscape','mozilla','opera'] $applications['ps'] = ['gview','gv','gs'] end $applications['htm'] = $applications['html'] $applications['eps'] = $applications['ps'] def process(&block) if $iftouched then files = $directives['iftouched'].split(',') oldname, newname = files[0], files[1] if oldname && newname && File.needsupdate(oldname,newname) then yield File.syncmtimes(oldname,newname) end else yield end end # system("perl -V") if $help || ! $filename || $filename.empty? then usage else report("texmfstart version #{$version}") if $verbose if $make then if $windows then make($filename,true,false) elsif $unix then make($filename,false,true) else make($filename,$mswindows,!$mswindows) end elsif $browser && $filename =~ /^http\:\/\// then launch($filename) else process do if $direct || $filename =~ /^bin\:/ then direct($filename) else run(find(shortpathname($filename),$program)) end end end end