PKG=LNFtftp-hpa-docs ARCH=i386 VERSION=0.48 MAXINST=1000 SERIALNUM=001 NAME=HPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) suite - Documentation CATEGORY=network,utils,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr/doc DESC=This package contains additional information for H. Peter Anvins tftp suite. The suite contains a tftp client and server derived from OpenBSD tftp with some extra options added and bugs fixed. Thtftp client and server derived from OpenBSD tftp with some extra options added and bugs fixed. The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is normally used only for booting diskless workstations (e.g. via PXE). The tftp package provides the user interface for TFTP, which allows users to transfer files to and from a remote machine. This program and TFTP provide very little security, and should not be enabled unless it is expressly needed." LICINFO=BSD LICURL= LICFILE=bsd.txt PSTAMP=isis20070303021509 CLASSES=none