PKG=LNFwireshark ARCH=i386 VERSION=1.1.2 MAXINST=1000 SERIALNUM=001 NAME=Wireshark Network Analyzer CATEGORY=network,development,application VENDOR=LINOFEE, BASEDIR=/usr DESC=Wireshark is a network traffic analyzer, or sniffer", for Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It uses GTK+, a graphical user interface library, and libpcap, a packet capture and filtering library. The Wireshark distribution also comes with TShark, which is a line-oriented sniffer (similar to Sun's snoop, or tcpdump) that uses the same dissection, capture-file reading and writing, and packet filtering code as Wireshark, and with editcap, which is a program to read capture files and write the packets from that capture file, possibly in a different capture file format, and with some packets possibly removed from the capture." LICINFO=GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991 LICURL= LICFILE=gpl.txt PSTAMP=idev20090207173917 CLASSES=none