Encoding: UTF-8 Package: AMORE Version: 0.2-12 Date: 2010-03-25 Title: A MORE flexible neural network package Author: Manuel Castejón Limas, Joaquín B. Ordieres Meré, Ana González Marcos, Francisco Javier Martínez de Pisón Ascacibar, Alpha V. Pernía Espinoza, Fernando Alba Elías Maintainer: Manuel Castejón Limas Description: This package was born to release the TAO robust neural network algorithm to the R users. It has grown and I think it can be of interest for the users wanting to implement their own training algorithms as well as for those others whose needs lye only in the "user space". License: GPL (>= 2) URL: http://rwiki.sciviews.org/doku.php?id=packages:cran:amore LazyLoad: yes Packaged: 2010-03-24 22:39:07 UTC; mcasl Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2010-03-25 07:01:15 Built: R 2.10.1; i386-pc-solaris2.11; 2010-11-18 16:56:59 UTC; unix