ADAPTgd.MLPnet Adaptative gradient descent training ADAPTgdwm.MLPnet Adaptative gradient descent with momentum training BATCHgd.MLPnet Batch gradient descent training BATCHgdwm.MLPnet Batch gradient descent with momentum training error.LMS Neural network training error criteria. graphviz.MLPnet Neural network graphic representation hfun TAO robust error criterium auxiliar functions. init.MLPneuron Neuron constructor. newff Create a Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network random.init.MLPnet Initialize the network with random weigths and biases. random.init.MLPneuron Initialize the neuron with random weigths and bias. select.activation.function Provides R code of the selected activation function. sim.MLPnet Performs the simulation of a neural network from an input data set. train Neural network training function. Neural network training report generator function.