F.curve plot a chisquare or a F-curve. GSremove Remove selected GraphSheetPages in the S-Plus Windows GUI Graphsheet HH-package Support software for Statistical Analysis and Data Display by Richard M. Heiberger and Burt Holland HH_regsubsets Display tabular results for Best Subsets Regression. X.residuals Residuals from the regression of each column of a data.frame against all the other columns. ae.dotplot AE (Adverse Events) dotplot of incidence and relative risk ancova Compute and plot oneway analysis of covariance ancova-class Class "ancova" Analysis of Covariance anova.mean ANOVA table from the group sample sizes, means, and standard deviations. aov.sufficient Analysis of variance from sufficient statistics for groups. arima.diag.hh Repair design error in S-Plus arima.diag arma.loop Loop through a series of ARIMA models and display coordinated tables and diagnoastic graphs. as.multicomp Support functions in R for MMC (mean-mean multiple comparisons) plots. as.rts Miscellaneous functions that I wish were in or consistent between S-Plus and R. axis.i2wt specialized axis function for interaction2wt. ci.plot Plot confidence and prediction intervals for simple linear regression col.hh Initializing Trellis Displays cp.calc Rearranges and improves the legibility of the output from the stepwise function in S-Plus. dchisq.intermediate Intermediate f and chisq functions to simplify writing for both R and S-Plus. diag.maybe.null Returns a value for the diagonal of NA and NULL arguments. do.formula.trellis.xysplom Interprets model formulas for xysplom and extended bwplots export.eps Exports a graph to an EPS file. gof.calculation Calculate Box-Ljung Goodness of Fit for ARIMA models in S-Plus. grid.yaxis.hh make x- and y-axis labels hh Resolve filenames relative to the HH directory. hov Homogeneity of Variance if.R Conditional Execution for R or S-Plus interaction.positioned interaction method for positioned factors. interaction2wt Plot all main effects and twoway interactions in a multifactor design intxplot Interaction plot, with an option to print standard error bars. ladder Draw a "ladder of powers" plot, plotting each of several powers of y against the same powers of x. legendGrob2wt place separate keys to the left of each row of a trellis lm.case case statistics for regression analysis lm.regsubsets Evaluate lm model with highest adjusted $R^2$. lmatRows Find the row numbers in the lmat corresponding to the focus factor. logit Logistic function and its inverse. mcalinfct MCA multiple comparisons analysis (pairwise) mmc MMC (mean-mean multiple comparisons) plots. mmc.mean MMC (mean-mean multiple comparisons) plots from the sufficient statistics for a one-way design. multicomp.order Update a multicomp object by ordering its contrasts. multicomp.reverse Force all comparisons in a "multicomp" object to have the same sign. norm.curve plot a normal or a t-curve with both x and z axes. npar.arma Count the number of parameters in an ARIMA model specification. objip loop through all attached directories looking for pattern odds.ratio Calculate or plot the odds ratio for a 2x2 table of counts. orthog.complete Construct an orthogonal matrix which is an arbitrary completion of the column space of the input set of columns. panel.acf Panel functions for tsdiagplot. panel.bwplot.intermediate.hh Panel functions for bwplot. panel.bwplott Extension to S-Plus trellis to allow transposed plots. panel.cartesian trellis panel function, with labeled rows and columns and without strip labels. panel.ci.plot Default Panel Function for ci.plot panel.dotplot.tb Dotplot with evenly spaced tiebreakers. panel.interaction2wt Plot all main effects and twoway interactions in a multifactor design panel.pairs.hh Function based on S-Plus panel.pairs to add the subpanel.scales and panel.cex arguments. panel.xysplom panel method for xysplom. partial.corr partial correlations persp.plane Helper functions for regr2.plot plot.hov Homogeneity of Variance Plot plot.mmc.multicomp MMC (Mean-mean Multiple Comparisons) plot. plot.multicomp Multiple comparisons plot that gives independent user control over the appearance of the significant and not significant comparisons. position Find or assign the implied position for graphing the levels of a factor. A new class "positioned", which inherits from "ordered" and "factor", is defined. positioned-class Class "positioned", extends "ordered" to specify the position for graphing the levels of a factor. print.tsdiagplot Print a "tsdiagplot" object. push.vp.hh push and pop a grid viewport, turn clipping off, change scale. regr1.plot plot x and y, with optional straight line fit and display of squared residuals regr2.plot 3D plot of z against x and y, with regression plane fit and display of squared residuals. resid.squares plot squared residuals in inches to match the y-dimension residual.plots Residual plots for a linear model. seqplot Time series plot. seqplot.forecast seqplot with confidence bands for the forecast region. strip.background0 Turn off the coloring in the trellis strip labels. Color 0 is the background color. strip.xysplom strip function that is able to place the correlation or regression coefficient into the strip label. sufficient Calculates the mean, standard deviation, and number of observations in each group of a data.frame that has one continuous variable and two factors. summary.arma.loop summary and print and subscript methods for tsdiagplot and related objects. t.trellis Interchange the x- and y-axes for an S-Plus trellis object. Interchange the conditioning variables for an R trellis object. tsacfplots Coordinated time series and ACF and PCF plots. tsdiagplot Times series diagnostic plots for a structured set of ARIMA models. vif Calculate the Variance Inflation Factor xysplom scatterplot matrix with potentially different sets of variables on the rows and columns.