An interface to the BOOST graph library

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Documentation for package ‘RBGL’ version 1.22.0

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articulationPoints Compute biconnected components for a graph
astarSearch Compute astarSearch for a graph
aver.wavefront Compute the i-th/max/average/rms wavefront for a graph
bandwidth Compute bandwidth for an undirected graph Bellman-Ford shortest paths using boost C++
betweenness.centrality.clustering Graph clustering based on edge betweenness centrality
bfs Breadth and Depth-first search
bfs,graph,ANY,ANY-method Breadth and Depth-first search
bfs,graph,character,logical-method Breadth and Depth-first search
bfs,graph,character,missing-method Breadth and Depth-first search
bfs,graph,character-method Breadth and Depth-first search
bfs,graph,missing,logical-method Breadth and Depth-first search
bfs,graph,missing,missing-method Breadth and Depth-first search
bfs,graph-method Breadth and Depth-first search
biConnComp Compute biconnected components for a graph
boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest boyerMyrvoldPlanarityTest
brandes.betweenness.centrality Compute betweenness centrality for an undirected graph
chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing chrobakPayneStraightLineDrawing
circle.layout Layout an undirected graph in 2D
circleLayout Layout an undirected graph in 2D
clusteringCoef Calculate clustering coefficient for an undirected graph
clusteringCoefAppr Approximate clustering coefficient for an undirected graph
connectedComp Identify Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
cuthill.mckee.ordering Compute vertex ordering for an undirected graph
dag.sp DAG shortest paths using boost C++
dfs Breadth and Depth-first search
dfs,graph,character,ANY-method Breadth and Depth-first search
dfs,graph,character,logical-method Breadth and Depth-first search
dfs,graph,character,missing-method Breadth and Depth-first search
dfs,graph,character-method Breadth and Depth-first search
dfs,graph,missing,missing-method Breadth and Depth-first search
dijkstra.sp Dijkstra's shortest paths using boost C++
dominatorTree Compute dominator tree from a vertex in a directed graph
edgeConnectivity computed edge connectivity and min disconnecting set for an undirected graph
edmonds.karp.max.flow Compute max flow for a directed graph
edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching edmondsMaxCardinalityMatching
edmondsOptimumBranching edmondsOptimumBranching
extractPath convert a dijkstra.sp predecessor structure into the path joining two nodes
FileDep FileDep: a graphNEL object representing a file dependency dataset example in boost graph library
floyd.warshall.all.pairs.sp compute shortest paths for all pairs of nodes
fruchtermanReingoldForceDirectedLayout Layout an undirected graph in 2D
gprofile Compute profile for a graph
graphGenerator Generate an undirected graph with adjustable clustering coefficient
gursoyAtunLayout Layout an undirected graph in 2D
highlyConnSG Compute highly connected subgraphs for an undirected graph
incremental.components Compute connected components for an undirected graph
init.incremental.components Compute connected components for an undirected graph
is.triangulated Decide if a graph is triangulated
isKuratowskiSubgraph isKuratowskiSubgraph
isomorphism Compute isomorphism from vertices in one graph to those in another graph
isStraightLineDrawing isStraightLineDrawing
ith.wavefront Compute the i-th/max/average/rms wavefront for a graph
johnson.all.pairs.sp compute shortest path distance matrix for all pairs of nodes
kamada.kawai.spring.layout Layout an undirected graph in 2D
kamadaKawaiSpringLayout Layout an undirected graph in 2D
kCliques Find all the k-cliques in an undirected graph
kCores Find all the k-cores in a graph
kingOrdering Compute vertex ordering for an undirected graph
kolmogorov.max.flow Compute max flow for a directed graph
lambdaSets Find all the lambda-sets in an undirected graph
lengauerTarjanDominatorTree Compute dominator tree from a vertex in a directed graph
makeBiconnectedPlanar makeBiconnectedPlanar
makeConnected makeConnected
makeMaximalPlanar makeMaximalPlanar
maxClique Find all the cliques in a graph
maximumCycleRatio maximumCycleRatio
maxWavefront Compute the i-th/max/average/rms wavefront for a graph
minCut Compute min-cut for an undirected graph
minDegreeOrdering Compute vertex ordering for an undirected graph
minimumCycleRatio minimumCycleRatio
mstree.kruskal Kruskal's minimum spanning tree in boost
mstree.prim Compute minimum spanning tree for an undirected graph
planarCanonicalOrdering planarCanonicalOrdering
planarFaceTraversal planarFaceTraversal
prim.minST Compute minimum spanning tree for an undirected graph
push.relabel.max.flow Compute max flow for a directed graph
randomGraphLayout Layout an undirected graph in 2D
RBGL.overview RBGL.overview
removeSelfLoops remove self loops in a graph
rms.wavefront Compute the i-th/max/average/rms wavefront for a graph
same.component Compute connected components for an undirected graph
separates A function to test whether a subset of nodes separates two other subsets of nodes.
sequential.vertex.coloring Compute a vertex coloring for a graph
sloan.ordering Compute vertex ordering for an undirected graph
sloanStartEndVertices sloanStartEndVertices
sp.between Dijkstra's shortest paths using boost C++
sp.between.scalar Dijkstra's shortest paths using boost C++
strongComp Identify Strongly Connected Components
transitive.closure Compute transitive closure of a directed graph
transitivity Calculate transitivity for an undirected graph
tsort topological sort of vertices of a digraph