SQLite interface for R

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Documentation for package ‘RSQLite’ version 0.8-1

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-- --

.conflicts.OK Support Functions
.SQLite.NA.string Support Functions
.SQLitePkgName Support Functions
.SQLitePkgRCS Support Functions
.SQLitePkgVersion Support Functions

-- C --

coerce,dbObjectId,character-method Summarize an SQLite object
coerce,dbObjectId,integer-method Summarize an SQLite object
coerce,dbObjectId,numeric-method Summarize an SQLite object
coerce,SQLiteConnection,SQLiteDriver-method Summarize an SQLite object
coerce,SQLiteResult,SQLiteConnection-method Summarize an SQLite object
coerce-methods Summarize an SQLite object

-- D --

dbBeginTransaction DBMS Transaction Management
dbBeginTransaction,SQLiteConnection-method DBMS Transaction Management
dbBeginTransaction-methods DBMS Transaction Management
dbBuildTableDefinition Build the SQL CREATE TABLE definition as a string
dbCallProc,SQLiteConnection-method Call an SQL stored procedure
dbCallProc-methods Call an SQL stored procedure
dbClearResult,SQLiteResult-method Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbColumnInfo,SQLiteResult-method Database interface meta-data
dbColumnInfo-methods Database interface meta-data
dbCommit,SQLiteConnection-method DBMS Transaction Management
dbCommit-methods DBMS Transaction Management
dbConnect,character-method Create a connection object to an SQLite DBMS
dbConnect,SQLiteConnection-method Create a connection object to an SQLite DBMS
dbConnect,SQLiteDriver-method Create a connection object to an SQLite DBMS
dbConnect-methods Create a connection object to an SQLite DBMS
dbDataType,SQLiteObject-method Determine the SQL Data Type of an S object
dbDataType-methods Determine the SQL Data Type of an S object
dbDisconnect,SQLiteConnection-method Create a connection object to an SQLite DBMS
dbDisconnect-methods Create a connection object to an SQLite DBMS
dbDriver,character-method SQLite implementation of the Database Interface (DBI) classes and drivers
dbDriver-methods SQLite implementation of the Database Interface (DBI) classes and drivers
dbExistsTable,SQLiteConnection,character-method Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbExistsTable-methods Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbGetDBIVersion-methods Database interface meta-data
dbGetException,SQLiteConnection-method Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbGetException-methods Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbGetInfo Database interface meta-data
dbGetInfo,SQLiteConnection-method Database interface meta-data
dbGetInfo,SQLiteDriver-method Database interface meta-data
dbGetInfo,SQLiteObject-method Database interface meta-data
dbGetInfo,SQLiteResult-method Database interface meta-data
dbGetPreparedQuery Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbGetPreparedQuery,SQLiteConnection,character,data.frame-method Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbGetPreparedQuery-methods Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbGetQuery,SQLiteConnection,character-method Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbGetQuery-methods Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbGetRowCount,SQLiteResult-method Database interface meta-data
dbGetRowCount-methods Database interface meta-data
dbGetRowsAffected,SQLiteResult-method Database interface meta-data
dbGetRowsAffected-methods Database interface meta-data
dbGetStatement,SQLiteResult-method Database interface meta-data
dbGetStatement-methods Database interface meta-data
dbHasCompleted,SQLiteResult-method Database interface meta-data
dbHasCompleted-methods Database interface meta-data
dbListConnections,SQLiteDriver-method List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbListConnections-methods List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbListFields,SQLiteConnection,character-method List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbListFields-methods List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbListResults,SQLiteConnection-method List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbListResults-methods List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbListTables,SQLiteConnection-method List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbListTables-methods List items from an SQLite DBMS and from objects
dbObjectId-class Class dbObjectId
dbReadTable,SQLiteConnection,character-method Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbReadTable-methods Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbRemoveTable,SQLiteConnection,character-method Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbRemoveTable-methods Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbRollback,SQLiteConnection-method DBMS Transaction Management
dbRollback-methods DBMS Transaction Management
dbSendPreparedQuery Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbSendPreparedQuery,SQLiteConnection,character,data.frame-method Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbSendPreparedQuery-methods Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbSendQuery,SQLiteConnection,character-method Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbSendQuery-methods Execute a SQL statement on a database connection
dbSetDataMappings,SQLiteResult,data.frame-method Set data mappings between SQLite and R/S-Plus
dbSetDataMappings-methods Set data mappings between SQLite and R/S-Plus
dbUnloadDriver,SQLiteDriver-method SQLite implementation of the Database Interface (DBI) classes and drivers
dbUnloadDriver-methods SQLite implementation of the Database Interface (DBI) classes and drivers
dbWriteTable,SQLiteConnection,character,character-method Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbWriteTable,SQLiteConnection,character,data.frame-method Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables
dbWriteTable-methods Convenience functions for Importing/Exporting DBMS tables

-- F --

fetch,SQLiteResult,numeric-method Fetch records from a previously executed query
fetch,SQLiteResult-method Fetch records from a previously executed query
fetch-methods Fetch records from a previously executed query
format,dbObjectId-method Summarize an SQLite object
format-methods Summarize an SQLite object

-- I --

isIdCurrent Check whether an dbObjectId handle object is valid or not
isSQLKeyword,SQLiteObject,character-method Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
isSQLKeyword-methods Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers

-- L --

last.warning Support Functions

-- M --

make.db.names,SQLiteObject,character-method Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers

-- P --

print,dbObjectId-method Summarize an SQLite object

-- S --

show,dbObjectId-method Summarize an SQLite object
show-methods Summarize an SQLite object
SQLite Initialize the SQLite engine for the current R session.
sqliteCloseConnection Support Functions
sqliteCloseDriver Support Functions
sqliteCloseResult Support Functions
SQLiteConnection-class Class SQLiteConnection
sqliteConnectionInfo Support Functions
sqliteCopyDatabase Copy a SQLite database
sqliteDataType Support Functions
sqliteDescribeConnection Support Functions
sqliteDescribeDriver Support Functions
sqliteDescribeResult Support Functions
SQLiteDriver Initialize the SQLite engine for the current R session.
SQLiteDriver-class Class SQLiteDriver
sqliteDriverInfo Support Functions
sqliteExecStatement Support Functions
sqliteFetch Support Functions
sqliteFetchOneColumn Support Functions
sqliteImportFile Support Functions
sqliteInitDriver Support Functions
sqliteNewConnection Support Functions
SQLiteObject-class Class SQLiteObject
sqliteQuickColumn Return an entire column from a SQLite database
sqliteQuickSQL Support Functions
sqliteReadTable Support Functions
SQLiteResult-class Class SQLiteResult
sqliteResultInfo Support Functions
sqliteTableFields Support Functions
sqliteTransactionStatement Support Functions
sqliteWriteTable Support Functions
SQLITE_RO Support Functions
SQLITE_RW Support Functions
SQLITE_RWC Support Functions
SQLKeywords,missing-method Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
SQLKeywords,SQLiteObject-method Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
SQLKeywords-methods Make R/S-Plus identifiers into legal SQL identifiers
summary,SQLiteConnection-method Summarize an SQLite object
summary,SQLiteDriver-method Summarize an SQLite object
summary,SQLiteObject-method Summarize an SQLite object
summary,SQLiteResult-method Summarize an SQLite object
summary-methods Summarize an SQLite object