ais | Australian institute of sport data |
allshoots | Apple shoots data |
alrerrata | Access to the Applied Linear Regression website |
alrprimer | Access to the Applied Linear Regression website |
alrweb | Access to the Applied Linear Regression website |
anova.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
baeskel | Surface tension |
banknote | Swiss banknote data |
bctrans | Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality |
bctrans1 | Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality |
BGSall | Berkeley guidance study |
BGSboys | Berkeley guidance study |
BGSgirls | Berkeley guidance study |
BigMac2003 | World cities data |
blowAPB | Blowdown data |
blowBF | Blowdown data |
blowdown | Blowdown data |
brains | Mammal brain weights |
cakes | Cakes data |
cathedral | Cathedrals |
caution | Caution data |
challeng | Challenger data |
chloride | Chloride data |
cloud | Florida area cumulus experiment, FACE I. |
coef.bctrans | Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects |
coef.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
conf.intervals | Compute marginal confidence intervals for regression estimates |
conf.intervals.default | Compute marginal confidence intervals for regression estimates |
conf.intervals.lm | Compute marginal confidence intervals for regression estimates |
delta.method | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.default | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.lm | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.lme | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.lmList | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.multinom | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.nlme | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.nls | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.nlsList | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
delta.method.polr | Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients |
deviance.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
df.residual.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
domedata | Metrodome fan experiment |
domedata1 | Metrodome fan experiment |
donner | Donner party |
downer | Downer data |
drugcost | Drug cost. |
dwaste | Crock data. |
fitted.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
florida | Florida presidential election |
forbes | Forbes data |
formula.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
ftcollinssnow | Ft. Collins snowfall |
fuel2001 | Fuel consumption |
galapagos | Galapagos species data |
galtonpeas | Galton's peas |
heights | Pearson-Lee data |
highway | Highway accidents |
hooker | Hooker's data |
htwt | Artificial height and weight data |
inf.index | Influence index plot |
inf.index.lm | Influence index plot |
inv.res.plot | Inverse response plots to transform the response |
inv.tran.estimate | Choose a predictor transformation visually or numerically |
inv.tran.plot | Choose a predictor transformation visually or numerically |
inverse.response.plot | Inverse response plots to transform the response |
inverse.response.plot.default | Inverse response plots to transform the response |
jevons | Jevon's gold coin data |
lakemary | Lake Mary bluegills |
lakes | Lake zooplankton diversity |
landrent | Land rent |
lathe1 | Lathe data |
longshoots | Apple shoots data |
lrt.bctrans | Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality |
mantel | Mantel's artifical data for stepwise regression |
marginal.model.plot | Marginal model plot |
mile | World records for the mile run |
Mitchell | Mitchell soil temperature |
mmp | Marginal model plot |
mmp.glm | Marginal model plot |
mmp.lm | Marginal model plot |
mmps | Marginal model plot |
MWwords | Word frequencies from Mosteller and Wallace |
npdata | Northern pike catch per unit effort |
oldfaith | Old Faithful Geyser data |
outlier.t.test | Bonferroni test for outliers in linear models |
outlier.t.test.default | Bonferroni test for outliers in linear models |
physics | Physics data |
physics1 | Physics data |
pipeline | Alaska pipeline |
plot.bctrans | Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects |
plot.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
plot.pod.lm | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
pod.formula | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
pod.lm | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
podnls.fit | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
podresponse | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
powtran | Power transformations |
powtran.bctrans | Power transformations |
powtran.data.frame | Power transformations |
powtran.default | Power transformations |
powtran.matrix | Power transformations |
predict.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
print.bctrans | Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality |
print.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
prodscore | Soil productivity |
pure.error.anova | Pure Error analysis of variance |
pure.error.anova.lm | Pure Error analysis of variance |
random.lin.comb | Compute a random linear combination of the columns of a matrix or data frame |
random.lin.comb.default | Compute a random linear combination of the columns of a matrix or data frame |
random.lin.comb.lm | Compute a random linear combination of the columns of a matrix or data frame |
rat | Rat data |
resid.curv.test | Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits |
resid.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
residual.plots | Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits |
residual.plots.lm | Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits |
residuals.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
resplot | Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits |
salary | Salary data |
salarygov | Government salary study |
segreg | Energy consumption |
shocks | Small electric shocks in dairy cows |
shortshoots | Apple shoots data |
sigma.hat | Return the scale estimate for a regression model |
sigma.hat.default | Return the scale estimate for a regression model |
sigma.hat.glm | Return the scale estimate for a regression model |
sleep1 | Sleep in mammals |
snake | Snake river data |
sniffer | Sniffer data |
snowgeese | Snow geese |
stopping | Stopping distances |
summary.bctrans | Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects |
summary.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
swan96 | Black crappie study on Swan Lake, Minnesota |
titanic | Titanic |
transact | Transaction data |
tukey.nonadd.test | Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits |
turk0 | Turkey data, one source |
turkey | Turkey data, all sources |
twins | Burt's twin data |
ufc | Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho |
ufcdf | Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho |
ufcgf | Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho |
ufcwc | Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho |
UN1 | National statistics from the United Nations |
UN2 | National statistics from the United Nations |
UN3 | National statistics from the United Nations |
vcov.bctrans | Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects |
vcov.pod | Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model |
walleye | Walleye length at age |
water | California water |
wblake | West Bearskin Lake small mouth bass data. |
wblake2 | West Bearskin Lake small mouth bass data. |
wm1 | Simple windmill data |
wm2 | Windmill data with direction information |
wm3 | Binned wind speed data |
wm4 | Windmill data with direction information and four reference sites |
wool | Wool data |