Methods and data to accompany Applied Linear Regression 3rd edition

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Documentation for package ‘alr3’ version 1.1.12

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-- A --

ais Australian institute of sport data
allshoots Apple shoots data
alrerrata Access to the Applied Linear Regression website
alrprimer Access to the Applied Linear Regression website
alrweb Access to the Applied Linear Regression website
anova.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model

-- B --

baeskel Surface tension
banknote Swiss banknote data
bctrans Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality
bctrans1 Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality
BGSall Berkeley guidance study
BGSboys Berkeley guidance study
BGSgirls Berkeley guidance study
BigMac2003 World cities data
blowAPB Blowdown data
blowBF Blowdown data
blowdown Blowdown data
brains Mammal brain weights

-- C --

cakes Cakes data
cathedral Cathedrals
caution Caution data
challeng Challenger data
chloride Chloride data
cloud Florida area cumulus experiment, FACE I.
coef.bctrans Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects
coef.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
conf.intervals Compute marginal confidence intervals for regression estimates
conf.intervals.default Compute marginal confidence intervals for regression estimates
conf.intervals.lm Compute marginal confidence intervals for regression estimates

-- D --

delta.method Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.default Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.lm Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.lme Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.lmList Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.multinom Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.nlme Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.nls Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.nlsList Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
delta.method.polr Estimate and standard error of a nonlinear function of estimated regression coefficients
deviance.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
df.residual.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
domedata Metrodome fan experiment
domedata1 Metrodome fan experiment
donner Donner party
downer Downer data
drugcost Drug cost.
dwaste Crock data.

-- F --

fitted.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
florida Florida presidential election
forbes Forbes data
formula.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
ftcollinssnow Ft. Collins snowfall
fuel2001 Fuel consumption

-- G --

galapagos Galapagos species data
galtonpeas Galton's peas

-- H --

heights Pearson-Lee data
highway Highway accidents
hooker Hooker's data
htwt Artificial height and weight data

-- I --

inf.index Influence index plot
inf.index.lm Influence index plot
inv.res.plot Inverse response plots to transform the response
inv.tran.estimate Choose a predictor transformation visually or numerically
inv.tran.plot Choose a predictor transformation visually or numerically
inverse.response.plot Inverse response plots to transform the response
inverse.response.plot.default Inverse response plots to transform the response

-- J --

jevons Jevon's gold coin data

-- L --

lakemary Lake Mary bluegills
lakes Lake zooplankton diversity
landrent Land rent
lathe1 Lathe data
longshoots Apple shoots data
lrt.bctrans Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality

-- M --

mantel Mantel's artifical data for stepwise regression
marginal.model.plot Marginal model plot
mile World records for the mile run
Mitchell Mitchell soil temperature
mmp Marginal model plot
mmp.glm Marginal model plot
mmp.lm Marginal model plot
mmps Marginal model plot
MWwords Word frequencies from Mosteller and Wallace

-- N --

npdata Northern pike catch per unit effort

-- O --

oldfaith Old Faithful Geyser data
outlier.t.test Bonferroni test for outliers in linear models
outlier.t.test.default Bonferroni test for outliers in linear models

-- P --

physics Physics data
physics1 Physics data
pipeline Alaska pipeline
plot.bctrans Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects
plot.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
plot.pod.lm Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
pod.formula Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
pod.lm Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
podresponse Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
powtran Power transformations
powtran.bctrans Power transformations Power transformations
powtran.default Power transformations
powtran.matrix Power transformations
predict.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
print.bctrans Univariate and multivariate transformations to normality
print.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
prodscore Soil productivity
pure.error.anova Pure Error analysis of variance
pure.error.anova.lm Pure Error analysis of variance

-- R --

random.lin.comb Compute a random linear combination of the columns of a matrix or data frame
random.lin.comb.default Compute a random linear combination of the columns of a matrix or data frame
random.lin.comb.lm Compute a random linear combination of the columns of a matrix or data frame
rat Rat data
resid.curv.test Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits
resid.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
residual.plots Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits
residual.plots.lm Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits
residuals.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
resplot Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits

-- S --

salary Salary data
salarygov Government salary study
segreg Energy consumption
shocks Small electric shocks in dairy cows
shortshoots Apple shoots data
sigma.hat Return the scale estimate for a regression model
sigma.hat.default Return the scale estimate for a regression model
sigma.hat.glm Return the scale estimate for a regression model
sleep1 Sleep in mammals
snake Snake river data
sniffer Sniffer data
snowgeese Snow geese
stopping Stopping distances
summary.bctrans Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects
summary.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model
swan96 Black crappie study on Swan Lake, Minnesota

-- T --

titanic Titanic
transact Transaction data
tukey.nonadd.test Residual plots and curvature tests for linear model fits
turk0 Turkey data, one source
turkey Turkey data, all sources
twins Burt's twin data

-- U --

ufc Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
ufcdf Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
ufcgf Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
ufcwc Height-diameter data for Upper Flat Creek, Idaho
UN1 National statistics from the United Nations
UN2 National statistics from the United Nations
UN3 National statistics from the United Nations

-- V --

vcov.bctrans Plot and summary helpers for bctrans objects
vcov.pod Fit partial one-dimensional, or POD models, based on a linear model

-- W --

walleye Walleye length at age
water California water
wblake West Bearskin Lake small mouth bass data.
wblake2 West Bearskin Lake small mouth bass data.
wm1 Simple windmill data
wm2 Windmill data with direction information
wm3 Binned wind speed data
wm4 Windmill data with direction information and four reference sites
wool Wool data