###################################################################### # On masking of and by other functions in package "distrEx" ###################################################################### Attention: *** intentional masking: *** To be able to use the same symbol for (theoretical) distributional arguments as for (empirical) data arguments, we intentionally mask the following functions --- however all these functions may still be used in exactly the same way as before masking: +var() (package "stats") +sd() (package "stats") +median() (package "stats") +mad() (package "stats") +IQR() (package "stats") +skewness() (package "e1071") +kurtosis() (package "e1071") In the last cases, code was simply inserted from package "e1071" in order to avoid a corresponding "Depends" entry in the "DESCRIPTION" file of package "distrEx" with the entailed necessity to install package "e1071". *** non-intentional masking: *** However, if any of the packages "e1071", "moments", or "fBasics" is to be used together with package "distrEx", the latter must be attached /after/ any of the first mentioned. Otherwise kurtosis() and skewness(), defined as methods in package "distrEx", will get masked. To re-mask, you may use kurtosis <- distrEx::kurtosis skewness <- distrEx::skewness