Package: fSeries Version: 270.76.3 Revision: 4192 Date: 2009-05-25 Title: Financial Time Series Objects Author: Diethelm Wuertz and many others, see the SOURCE file Depends: R (>= 2.4.0), robustbase, methods, fUtilities, fEcofin, fCalendar Suggests: RUnit Maintainer: Rmetrics Core Team Description: Environment for teaching "Financial Engineering and Computational Finance" NOTE: SEVERAL PARTS ARE STILL PRELIMINARY AND MAY BE CHANGED IN THE FUTURE. THIS TYPICALLY INCLUDES FUNCTION AND ARGUMENT NAMES, AS WELL AS DEFAULTS FOR ARGUMENTS AND RETURN VALUES. LazyLoad: yes LazyData: yes License: GPL (>= 2) URL: Packaged: 2009-05-25 11:05:26 UTC; yankee Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2009-05-25 20:24:26 Built: R 2.10.1; ; 2010-02-12 18:34:20 UTC; unix