gtools 2.6.1 ------------ New features: - Add newVersionAvailable() function to compare running and latest available R versions. - Add keywords() function to show $RHOME/doc/KEYWORDS file Bug fixes: - Correct windows make flags as suggested by Brian Ripley. - Update Greg's email address and fix Rd syntax errors gtools 2.5.0 ------------ New features: - Add checkRVersion() function to determin if a newer version of R is available. - Deprecated assert() in favor of base::stopifnot Bug fixes: - Fix bug in binsearch() identified by 2.6.0 R CMD CHECK Other changes: - Improve text explanation of how defmacro() and strmacro() differ from function(). - Update definitions of odd() and even() to use modulus operator instead of division. gtools 2.4.0 ------------ - Add binsearch() function, previously in the genetics() package. gtools 2.3.1 ------------ - Add ask() function to prompt the user and collect a single response. gtools 2.3.0 ------------ - Update email address for Greg - Add new 'smartbind' function, which combines data frames efficiently, even if they have different column names. gtools 2.2.3 ------------ - setTCPNoDelay now compiles & works properly on Windows gtools 2.2.2 ------------ - src/setTCPNoDelay.c: Add C source code for setTCPNoDelay. - NAMESPACE: Add UseDynLib to NAMESPACE so the shared library gets properly loaded. - Updated Greg's email address. gtools 2.2.1 ------------ - New function 'addLast' that adds functions to R's .Last() so that they will be executed when R is terminating. - New function setTCPNoDelay() that allows the TCP_NODELAY flag to be changed on socket objects. gtools 2.1.0 ------------ - Added assert.R (and documentation) - Added the defmacro() function, extracted from Lumley T. "Programmer's Niche: Macros in {R}", R News, 2001, Vol 1, No. 3, pp 11--13, \url{} - Added DESCRIPTION and removed