\name{plot.Map} \alias{plot.Map} %\alias{color.ramp} \title{Plot a Map object (deprecated)} \description{ This function is deprecated. It is difficult to maintain and there are several alternatives, either by converting Map objects to sp class objects or polylist etc. objects. (The function plots a map object directly from the imported shapefile data). } \usage{ \method{plot}{Map}(x, recs, auxvar = NULL, add = FALSE, fg = "gray", ol = "black", prbg = NULL, glyph = 16, color='red', type = "q", nclass = 5, \dots) %color.ramp(nclass, color='red', nvec=NULL, type='q') } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{a Map object returned by read.shape()} \item{recs}{a vector with the shapes to plot, if missing defaults to all shapes; if fg is not equal to the length of recs, all fg are set to fg[1]} \item{auxvar}{if the Map has polygon shapes, a variable from which to derive polygon fill colours using the computed class intervals, must be same length as number of shapes} \item{add}{default FALSE, if TRUE add to existing plot} \item{fg}{foreground colour, can be used to pass through point and polygon colours, permitting the built-in class interval calculation to be avoided; if fg is not equal to the length of recs, all fg are set to fg[1]} \item{ol}{line/boundary colour; boundaries may be removed by setting to NA oe "transparent"} \item{prbg}{if not NULL, draw a rectangle around the plot in this colour} \item{glyph}{points plotted as this pch code} \item{color}{base colour for color.ramp(); default "red"} \item{type}{default "q" for quantile classes for color.ramp(), can also be "e" for equal intervals} \item{nclass}{number of classes for class intervals} \item{\dots}{passed through to plotting functions} % \item{color}{default "red"} % \item{nvec}{data vector to convert to class intervals} } \value{ If the \code{auxvar} variable is not used, the function returns NULL, otherwise it returns the list constructed by \code{maptools:::color.ramp()} with components: \item{ramp}{vector of colours} \item{col.class}{vector of classes} \item{breaks}{class intervals given as argument to cut} } \author{Nicholas J. Lewin-Koh, modified by Roger Bivand \email{Roger.Bivand@nhh.no}} \seealso{\code{\link{read.shape}}, \code{\link{readShapePoly}}, \code{\link{readShapeLines}}, \code{\link{readShapePoints}}, \code{\link{getinfo.shape}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ x <- read.shape(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="maptools")[1]) plot(x) nParts <- sapply(x$Shapes, function(x) attr(x, "nPart")) table(nParts) cols <- c("azure", "blue", "orange") fgs <- cols[nParts] plot(x, fg=fgs) res <- plot(x, auxvar=x$att.data$BIR74) str(res) res <- plot(x, auxvar=x$att.data$BIR74, type="e") str(res) } } \keyword{spatial}