\name{read.shape} \alias{read.shape} \alias{getinfo.shape} \alias{print.shapehead} \title{Read shapefile into Map object} \description{ Read shapefile into Map object; the file should be given including its ".shp" extension, and the function will reconstruct the names of the database (dbf) file and the index (shx) file from these. } \usage{ read.shape(filen, dbf.data = TRUE, verbose=TRUE, repair=FALSE) getinfo.shape(filen) \method{print}{shapehead}(x, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{filen}{name of file with *.shp extension} \item{dbf.data}{read DBF data together with shapes, default TRUE} \item{verbose}{default TRUE --- report type of shapefile and number of shapes} \item{repair}{default FALSE: some shapefiles provided by Geolytics Inc. have values of object sizes stored in the *.shx index file that are eight bytes too large, leading the function to try to read past the end of file. If repair=TRUE, an attempt is made to repair the internal values, permitting such files to be read.} \item{x}{a shapehead list as returned by getinfo.shape} \item{...}{other arguments passed to print} } \details{ The function calls code from shapelib to read shapefiles, a file format used by ESRI GIS software among others } \value{ read.shape() returns either a list of shapes of class ShapeList, or if dbf.data = TRUE a Map object with: \item{Shapes}{a list of shapes of class ShapeList; both the individual shapes and the list have attributes} \item{att.data}{a data frame of data from the associated DBF file; note that the field names are adjusted to use in R using \code{make.names()}, and so will permit the underscore character from R release 1.9.0.} } \references{\url{http://shapelib.maptools.org/}} \author{Nicholas J. Lewin-Koh, modified by Roger Bivand \email{Roger.Bivand@nhh.no}; shapelib by Frank Warmerdam} \seealso{\code{\link{plot.Map}}, \code{\link[foreign]{read.dbf}}} \examples{ x <- read.shape(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="maptools")[1]) length(x$Shapes) unlist(lapply(x$att.data, class)) str(getinfo.shape(system.file("shapes/fylk-val.shp", package="maptools")[1])) } \keyword{spatial}