% Copyright 2003 by Roger S. Bivand \name{subset.polylist} \alias{subset.polylist} \title{Subset polygon list objects} \description{ The function subsets a polygon list object, also subsetting region ID attributes and also map limits if required. } \usage{ \method{subset}{polylist}(x, subset, fit.bbox = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{a polylist object} \item{subset}{a logical vector valued TRUE if the element is to be retained} \item{fit.bbox}{if TRUE (default) modifies the maplim attribute to bound the subset} \item{...}{other arguments passed through} } \value{ returns a polylist object, lists of polygon boundary coordinates (divided by NA where the polygon object is represented by more than one polygon); } \author{Roger Bivand \email{Roger.Bivand@nhh.no}} \examples{ nc <- read.shape(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package = "maptools")[1]) mappolys <- Map2poly(nc, as.character(nc$att.data$FIPSNO)) submap <- subset(mappolys, nc$att.data$SID74 > 0) plot(mappolys, col="orange") plot(submap, add=TRUE, col="lightpink", forcefill=TRUE) } \keyword{spatial}