The package deals with Operations Research LOCational Analysis models

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Documentation for package ‘orloca’ version 2.0

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orloca-package The package deals with Operations Research LOCational Analysis models
as,loca.p-method Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as-methods Conversions between loca.p class and some others Conversions between loca.p class and some others,loca.p-method Conversions between loca.p class and some others Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as.loca.p Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as.loca.p,data.frame-method Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as.loca.p,matrix-method Conversions between loca.p class and some others Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as.loca.p.matrix Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as.matrix Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as.matrix,loca.p-method Conversions between loca.p class and some others
as.matrix.loca.p Conversions between loca.p class and some others
contour,loca.p-method Plots of the min-sum objective function
contour.loca.p Plots of the min-sum objective function
czsum czsum and czsumgra at orloca package
czsum,loca.p-method czsum and czsumgra at orloca package
czsumgra czsum and czsumgra at orloca package
czsumgra,loca.p-method czsum and czsumgra at orloca package
czsummin czsummin at orloca package
czsummin,loca.p-method czsummin at orloca package
initialize,loca.p-method loca.p class for Operations Research LOCational Analysis
loca.p loca.p class for Operations Research LOCational Analysis
loca.p-class loca.p class for Operations Research LOCational Analysis
orloca The package deals with Operations Research LOCational Analysis models
persp,loca.p-method Plots of the min-sum objective function
persp.loca.p Plots of the min-sum objective function
plot,loca.p-method plot of loca.p class objects
plot-methods plot of loca.p class objects
plot.loca.p plot of loca.p class objects
plot.zsum Plots of the min-sum objective function
print,loca.p-method loca.p class for Operations Research LOCational Analysis
print.loca.p loca.p class for Operations Research LOCational Analysis
rloca.p rloca.p random instances generator of loca.p class object
summary,loca.p-method loca.p class for Operations Research LOCational Analysis
summary-method loca.p class for Operations Research LOCational Analysis
zsum zsum and zsumgra at orloca package
zsum,loca.p-method zsum and zsumgra at orloca package
zsumgra zsum and zsumgra at orloca package
zsumgra,loca.p-method zsum and zsumgra at orloca package
zsummin zsummin at orloca package
zsummin,loca.p-method zsummin at orloca package