5 January 2010: statmod 1.4.2 - add new argument 'dispersion' to glm.scoretest() - ensure chisq values from limdil() remain positive, even when small. - correct the format of chisq value in print.limdil(). 29 Sep 2009: statmod 1.4.1 - fixes to documentation links to other packages - bug fix to glmgam.fit() when there are exact zeros in the data or fitted values. - add more goodness of fit tests to elda(). - improvements to print.limdil method. - argument log added to dinvgauss(), giving the option of returning the density on the log-scale. 6 May 2009: statmod 1.4.0 - new function glm.scoretest() to compute likelihood score tests for terms in generalized linear models. - Improvements to elda() and print.limdil() to avoid glm fits in extreme data situations with 0% or 100% positive response, improving speed and avoiding warnings. - Improvements to print.limdil method. - New function .limdil.allpos(). It calculates lower bound of the limdil confidence interval when all tests respond by using a globally convergent Newton interation. - Modify limdil() on lower bound of the confidence interval when all tests respond. - New methods print.limdil and plot.limdil for limdil objects. - The output from limdil() is now a limdil class object. - Added \eqn{} markup to equations in pinvgauss.Rd remlscor.Rd and remlscorgamma.Rd. - Elso et al (2004) reference added to compareGrowthCurves help page. 18 November 2008: statmod 1.3.8 - qres.nbinom now works in more situations. It now accepts a model fit from MASS::glm.nb or a model fit using MASS:negative.binomial() when the theta argument is unnamed. Previously the theta argument had to be named, as in negative.binomial(theta=2). 20 July 2008: statmod 1.3.7 - reference added to help page for compareGrowthCurves() - the saved output from the automatic tests updated for R 2.7.1 07 April 2008: statmod 1.3.6 - fixes to limdil() on estimate and upper bound of the confidence interval when all cells respond to all tests. - bug fix in limdil() which produced wrong calculation of the upper bound and lower bound of the confidence interval when there are more than one group and no cells responds or all cells respond to all tests in one of the groups. 24 March 2008: statmod 1.3.5 - The function remlscoregamma(), removed in 2004, restored to the package with updated references. 11 February 2008: statmod 1.3.4 - bug fix in limdil() which produced error when calculating the confidence intervals of multiple groups and all cells respond in one of the groups. 12 January 2008: statmod 1.3.3 - the limdil function now has the capability to handle and compare multiple experiments or groups. 24 September 2007: statmod 1.3.1 - non-ascii European characters removed from Rd files - Shackleton reference added to limdil.Rd - fixed some non-matched brackets in other Rd files 15 October 2006: statmod 1.3.0 - package now has a NAMESPACE which simply exports all objects - new function fitNBP() - new function plotGrowthCurves() 4 January 2006: statmod 1.2.4 - fixes to gauss.quad.prob when n=1 or n=2 12 December 2005: statmod 1.2.3 - remlscore() was failing when rank of X was only 1, now fixed. 20 October 2005: statmod 1.2.2 - mixedModel2Fit() now outputs REML residuals - randomizedBlock() & randomizedBlockFit() renamed to mixedModel2() & mixedModel2Fit() 4 July 2005: statmod 1.2.1 - remlscore() now outputs covariance matrices for estimated coefficients - redundant copy of randomizedBlockFit() removed 22 June 2005: statmod 1.2.0 - /inst/doc/index.html created - change log (this file) moved to /inst/doc directory of package - new function limdil() 14 June 2005: statmod 1.1.1 - change to rinvgauss() to avoid numerical problems with subtractive cancellation when lambda<