name: case-insensitive version: id: case-insensitive- license: BSD3 copyright: 2011 Bas van Dijk maintainer: Bas van Dijk stability: homepage: package-url: synopsis: Case insensitive string comparison description: The module @Data.CaseInsensitive@ provides the 'CI' type constructor which can be parameterised by a string-like type like: 'String', 'ByteString', 'Text', etc.. Comparisons of values of the resulting type will be insensitive to cases. category: Data, Text author: Bas van Dijk exposed: True exposed-modules: Data.CaseInsensitive Data.CaseInsensitive.Unsafe hidden-modules: Data.CaseInsensitive.Internal trusted: False import-dirs: ${pkgroot}/case-insensitive- library-dirs: ${pkgroot}/case-insensitive- hs-libraries: HScase-insensitive- extra-libraries: extra-ghci-libraries: include-dirs: includes: depends: base- bytestring- deepseq- hashable- text- hugs-options: cc-options: ld-options: framework-dirs: frameworks: haddock-interfaces: ${pkgroot}/../../share/doc/ghc-7.6/html/case-insensitive.haddock haddock-html: ${pkgroot}/../../share/doc/ghc-7.6/html