#!/usr/bin/env python -u # (Be in -*- python -*- mode.) # # ==================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 CollabNet. All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a # newer version instead, at your option. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/. # ==================================================================== """Generate git blobs directly from RCS files. Usage: generate_blobs.py BLOBFILE To standard input should be written a series of pickles, each of which contains the following tuple: (RCSFILE, {CVS_REV : MARK, ...}) indicating which RCS file to read, which CVS revisions should be written to the blob file, and which marks to give each of the blobs. Since the tuples are read from stdin, either the calling program has to write to this program's stdin in binary mode and ensure that this program's standard input is opened in binary mode (e.g., using Python's '-u' option) or both can be in text mode *provided* that pickle protocol 0 is used. The program does most of its work in RAM, keeping at most one revision fulltext and one revision deltatext (plus perhaps one or two copies as scratch space) in memory at a time. But there are times when the fulltext of a revision is needed multiple times, for example when multiple branches sprout from the revision. In these cases, the fulltext is written to disk. If the fulltext is also needed for the blobfile, then the copy in the blobfils is read again when it is needed. If the fulltext is not needed in the blobfile, then it is written to a temporary file created with Python's tempfile module.""" import sys import os import tempfile import cPickle as pickle sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))) from cvs2svn_lib.rcsparser import Sink from cvs2svn_lib.rcsparser import parse from cvs2svn_lib.rcs_stream import RCSStream def read_marks(): # A map from CVS revision number (e.g., to mark: marks = {} for l in sys.stdin: [rev, mark] = l.strip().split() marks[rev] = mark return marks class RevRecord(object): def __init__(self, rev, mark=None): self.rev = rev self.mark = mark # The rev whose fulltext is the base for this one's delta. self.base = None # Other revs that refer to this one as their base text: self.refs = set() # The (f, offset, length) where the fulltext of this revision can # be found: self.fulltext = None def is_needed(self): return bool(self.mark is not None or self.refs) def is_written(self): return self.fulltext is not None def write_blob(self, f, text): f.seek(0, 2) length = len(text) f.write('blob\n') f.write('mark :%s\n' % (self.mark,)) f.write('data %d\n' % (length,)) offset = f.tell() f.write(text) f.write('\n') self.fulltext = (f, offset, length) # This record (with its mark) has now been written, so the mark is # no longer needed. Setting it to None might allow is_needed() to # become False: self.mark = None def write(self, f, text): f.seek(0, 2) offset = f.tell() length = len(text) f.write(text) self.fulltext = (f, offset, length) def read_fulltext(self): assert self.fulltext is not None (f, offset, length) = self.fulltext f.seek(offset) return f.read(length) def __str__(self): if self.mark is not None: return '%s (%r): %r, %s' % ( self.rev, self.mark, self.refs, self.fulltext is not None, ) else: return '%s: %r, %s' % (self.rev, self.refs, self.fulltext is not None) class WriteBlobSink(Sink): def __init__(self, blobfile, marks): self.blobfile = blobfile # A map {rev : RevRecord} for all of the revisions whose fulltext # will still be needed: self.revrecs = {} # The revisions that need marks will definitely be needed, so # create records for them now (the rest will be filled in while # reading the RCS file): for (rev, mark) in marks.items(): self.revrecs[rev] = RevRecord(rev, mark) # The RevRecord of the last fulltext that has been reconstructed, # if it still is_needed(): self.last_revrec = None # An RCSStream holding the fulltext of last_revrec: self.last_rcsstream = None # A file to temporarily hold the fulltexts of revisions for which # no blobs are needed: self.fulltext_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() def __getitem__(self, rev): try: return self.revrecs[rev] except KeyError: revrec = RevRecord(rev) self.revrecs[rev] = revrec return revrec def define_revision(self, rev, timestamp, author, state, branches, next): revrec = self[rev] if next is not None: revrec.refs.add(next) revrec.refs.update(branches) for dependent_rev in revrec.refs: dependent_revrec = self[dependent_rev] assert dependent_revrec.base is None dependent_revrec.base = rev def tree_completed(self): """Remove unneeded RevRecords. Remove the RevRecords for any revisions whose fulltext will not be needed (neither as blob output nor as the base of another needed revision).""" revrecs_to_remove = [ revrec for revrec in self.revrecs.itervalues() if not revrec.is_needed() ] while revrecs_to_remove: revrec = revrecs_to_remove.pop() del self.revrecs[revrec.rev] base_revrec = self[revrec.base] base_revrec.refs.remove(revrec.rev) if not base_revrec.is_needed(): revrecs_to_remove.append(base_revrec) def set_revision_info(self, rev, log, text): revrec = self.revrecs.get(rev) if revrec is None: return base_rev = revrec.base if base_rev is None: # This must be the last revision on trunk, for which the # fulltext is stored directly in the RCS file: assert self.last_revrec is None if revrec.mark is not None: revrec.write_blob(self.blobfile, text) if revrec.is_needed(): self.last_revrec = revrec self.last_rcsstream = RCSStream(text) elif self.last_revrec is not None and base_rev == self.last_revrec.rev: # Our base revision is stored in self.last_rcsstream. self.last_revrec.refs.remove(rev) if self.last_revrec.is_needed(): if not self.last_revrec.is_written(): self.last_revrec.write( self.fulltext_file, self.last_rcsstream.get_text() ) self.last_rcsstream.apply_diff(text) if revrec.mark is not None: revrec.write_blob(self.blobfile, self.last_rcsstream.get_text()) if revrec.is_needed(): self.last_revrec = revrec else: self.last_revrec = None self.last_rcsstream = None else: # Our base revision is not stored in self.last_rcsstream; it # will have to be obtained from elsewhere. # Store the old last_rcsstream if necessary: if self.last_revrec is not None: if not self.last_revrec.is_written(): self.last_revrec.write( self.fulltext_file, self.last_rcsstream.get_text() ) self.last_revrec = None self.last_rcsstream = None base_revrec = self[base_rev] rcsstream = RCSStream(base_revrec.read_fulltext()) base_revrec.refs.remove(rev) rcsstream.apply_diff(text) if revrec.mark is not None: revrec.write_blob(self.blobfile, rcsstream.get_text()) if revrec.is_needed(): self.last_revrec = revrec self.last_rcsstream = rcsstream del rcsstream def parse_completed(self): self.fulltext_file.close() def main(args): [blobfilename] = args blobfile = open(blobfilename, 'w+b') while True: try: (rcsfile, marks) = pickle.load(sys.stdin) except EOFError: break parse(open(rcsfile, 'rb'), WriteBlobSink(blobfile, marks)) blobfile.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])