CLASSES=none PSTAMP=q20140827165301 LICFILE=bsd2.txt LICURL= LICINFO=BSD 3-Clause DESC=This package contains minor additional documentation for the file utility. The file utility can be used to determine the type of or classify a file. There are three sets of tests, performed in this order: filesystem tests, magic number tests, and language tests. The first test that succeeds causes the file type to be printed. Note that this is the 'astron' variant, which can be found on many GNU based distributions. It is not compatible with the SysV based variant coming with Solaris and thus it gets installed below the gnu/ subdirectory and binaries are linked to bin/ with the usual 'g' prefix so that both utilities can live together! BASEDIR=/usr/gnu/share/doc VENDOR=LINOFEE, CATEGORY=utils,application NAME=file magic SERIALNUM=001 VERSION=5.19 ARCH=i386 PKG=LNFgnu-file-docs