P SUNWcsl Core Solaris, (Shared Libs) P SUNWcsu Core Solaris, (Usr) P SUNWlibms Math & Microtasking Libraries (Usr) P SUNWcairo Vector graphics library P SUNWfontconfig Fontconfig library P SUNWfreetype2 FreeType2 Font library P SUNWglib2 GNOME core libraries P SUNWgtk2 GTK+ - GIMP toolkit libraries P SUNWlibatk GNOME accesibility toolkit libraries P SUNWlibffi Foreign Function Interface Library P SUNWlibglade GNOME library for loading GLADE interfaces at runtime P SUNWlxml The XML library P SUNWpango GNOME core text and font handling libraries P SUNWzlib The Zip compression library P SUNWopensslr OpenSSL Libraries (Root) #P SUNWcurl # missing legacy entry # the rest for convinience only: #jre n/a #gnu-coreutils n/a #perl-512 n/a P LNFgnu-file file magic P LNFhets-libs Heterogeneous Tool Set - libraries P LNFhets-common Heterogeneous Tool Set - common data P LNFtl-latex TeXLive LaTeX fundamentals P LNFtl-fonts TeXLive recommended fonts P LNFtl-utils TeXLive misc. utilities and macros P LNFspass Theorem Prover SPASS P LNFdarwin Theorem Prover Darwin P LNFe-darwin Theorem Prover E-Darwin P LNFeprover Theorem Prover E P LNFekrhyper Theorem Prover and model generator E-KRHyper P LNFleo2 Theorem Prover Leo-II P LNFsatallax Theorem Prover Satallax P LNFz3 Theorem Prover Z3 P LNFhol-light Theorem Prover HOL Light P LNFminisat SAT solver MiniSat P LNFyices SMT solver Yices2 P LNFzChaff SAT solver Zchaff P LNFprotege4 Protege 4 Desktop P LNFfactplusplus DL reasoner FaCT++ P LNFpellet OWL DL reasoner Pellet P LNFmaude Maude 2 interpreter P LNFtwelf Logical framework and programming language Twelf