P LNFencode-locale-512 Encode::Locale - determine the locale encoding P LNFfile-listing-512 File::Listing - parse directory listing P LNFhtml-parser-512 Perl HTML-Parser modules P LNFhttp-cookies-512 HTTP::Cookies - Perl HTTP cookies database P LNFhttp-daemon-512 HTTP::Daemon - a simple Perl http server class P LNFhttp-date-512 HTTP::Date - Perl date conversion routines P LNFhttp-negotiate-512 HTTP::Negotiate Perl module P LNFhttp-message-512 HTTP::Message Perl module P LNFlwp-mediatypes-512 LWP::MediaTypes - guess media type for a file or a URL P LNFnet-http-512 Net::HTTP - Perl low-level HTTP connection module P LNFuri-512 Perl URI module with friend P LNFwww-robotrules-512 WWW::RobotRules - Perl database of robots.txt-derived permissions P LNFlwp-protocol-https-512 LWP::Protocol::https - https support for LWP::UserAgent # missing legacy info #P SUNWperl512core Perl 5.12 (core) #P SUNWperl512usr Perl 5.12 (non-core)