from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) from matplotlib.externals import six import os, sys def fn_name(): return sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name try: import gi except ImportError: raise ImportError("Gtk3 backend requires pygobject to be installed.") try: gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") except AttributeError: raise ImportError( "pygobject version too old -- it must have require_version") except ValueError: raise ImportError( "Gtk3 backend requires the GObject introspection bindings for Gtk 3 " "to be installed.") try: from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject, GLib except ImportError: raise ImportError("Gtk3 backend requires pygobject to be installed.") import matplotlib from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase, GraphicsContextBase, \ FigureManagerBase, FigureCanvasBase, NavigationToolbar2, cursors, TimerBase from matplotlib.backend_bases import (ShowBase, ToolContainerBase, StatusbarBase) from matplotlib.backend_managers import ToolManager from matplotlib import backend_tools from matplotlib.cbook import is_string_like, is_writable_file_like from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.widgets import SubplotTool from matplotlib import lines from matplotlib import cbook from matplotlib import verbose from matplotlib import rcParams backend_version = "%s.%s.%s" % (Gtk.get_major_version(), Gtk.get_micro_version(), Gtk.get_minor_version()) _debug = False #_debug = True # the true dots per inch on the screen; should be display dependent # see for some info about screen dpi PIXELS_PER_INCH = 96 cursord = { cursors.MOVE :, cursors.HAND :, cursors.POINTER :, cursors.SELECT_REGION :, } def draw_if_interactive(): """ Is called after every pylab drawing command """ if matplotlib.is_interactive(): figManager = Gcf.get_active() if figManager is not None: figManager.canvas.draw_idle() class Show(ShowBase): def mainloop(self): if Gtk.main_level() == 0: Gtk.main() show = Show() class TimerGTK3(TimerBase): ''' Subclass of :class:`backend_bases.TimerBase` that uses GTK3 for timer events. Attributes: * interval: The time between timer events in milliseconds. Default is 1000 ms. * single_shot: Boolean flag indicating whether this timer should operate as single shot (run once and then stop). Defaults to False. * callbacks: Stores list of (func, args) tuples that will be called upon timer events. This list can be manipulated directly, or the functions add_callback and remove_callback can be used. ''' def _timer_start(self): # Need to stop it, otherwise we potentially leak a timer id that will # never be stopped. self._timer_stop() self._timer = GLib.timeout_add(self._interval, self._on_timer) def _timer_stop(self): if self._timer is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._timer) self._timer = None def _timer_set_interval(self): # Only stop and restart it if the timer has already been started if self._timer is not None: self._timer_stop() self._timer_start() def _on_timer(self): TimerBase._on_timer(self) # Gtk timeout_add() requires that the callback returns True if it # is to be called again. if len(self.callbacks) > 0 and not self._single: return True else: self._timer = None return False class FigureCanvasGTK3 (Gtk.DrawingArea, FigureCanvasBase): keyvald = {65507 : 'control', 65505 : 'shift', 65513 : 'alt', 65508 : 'control', 65506 : 'shift', 65514 : 'alt', 65361 : 'left', 65362 : 'up', 65363 : 'right', 65364 : 'down', 65307 : 'escape', 65470 : 'f1', 65471 : 'f2', 65472 : 'f3', 65473 : 'f4', 65474 : 'f5', 65475 : 'f6', 65476 : 'f7', 65477 : 'f8', 65478 : 'f9', 65479 : 'f10', 65480 : 'f11', 65481 : 'f12', 65300 : 'scroll_lock', 65299 : 'break', 65288 : 'backspace', 65293 : 'enter', 65379 : 'insert', 65535 : 'delete', 65360 : 'home', 65367 : 'end', 65365 : 'pageup', 65366 : 'pagedown', 65438 : '0', 65436 : '1', 65433 : '2', 65435 : '3', 65430 : '4', 65437 : '5', 65432 : '6', 65429 : '7', 65431 : '8', 65434 : '9', 65451 : '+', 65453 : '-', 65450 : '*', 65455 : '/', 65439 : 'dec', 65421 : 'enter', } # Setting this as a static constant prevents # this resulting expression from leaking event_mask = (Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.EXPOSURE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK| Gdk.EventMask.SCROLL_MASK) def __init__(self, figure): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) FigureCanvasBase.__init__(self, figure) GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self._idle_draw_id = 0 self._need_redraw = True self._lastCursor = None self.connect('scroll_event', self.scroll_event) self.connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_event) self.connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_event) self.connect('configure_event', self.configure_event) self.connect('draw', self.on_draw_event) self.connect('key_press_event', self.key_press_event) self.connect('key_release_event', self.key_release_event) self.connect('motion_notify_event', self.motion_notify_event) self.connect('leave_notify_event', self.leave_notify_event) self.connect('enter_notify_event', self.enter_notify_event) self.connect('size_allocate', self.size_allocate) self.set_events(self.__class__.event_mask) self.set_double_buffered(True) self.set_can_focus(True) self._renderer_init() default_context = GLib.main_context_get_thread_default() or GLib.main_context_default() def destroy(self): #Gtk.DrawingArea.destroy(self) self.close_event() if self._idle_draw_id != 0: GLib.source_remove(self._idle_draw_id) def scroll_event(self, widget, event): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) x = event.x # flipy so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.get_allocation().height - event.y if event.direction==Gdk.ScrollDirection.UP: step = 1 else: step = -1 FigureCanvasBase.scroll_event(self, x, y, step, guiEvent=event) return False # finish event propagation? def button_press_event(self, widget, event): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) x = event.x # flipy so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.get_allocation().height - event.y FigureCanvasBase.button_press_event(self, x, y, event.button, guiEvent=event) return False # finish event propagation? def button_release_event(self, widget, event): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) x = event.x # flipy so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.get_allocation().height - event.y FigureCanvasBase.button_release_event(self, x, y, event.button, guiEvent=event) return False # finish event propagation? def key_press_event(self, widget, event): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) key = self._get_key(event) if _debug: print("hit", key) FigureCanvasBase.key_press_event(self, key, guiEvent=event) return False # finish event propagation? def key_release_event(self, widget, event): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) key = self._get_key(event) if _debug: print("release", key) FigureCanvasBase.key_release_event(self, key, guiEvent=event) return False # finish event propagation? def motion_notify_event(self, widget, event): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) if event.is_hint: t, x, y, state = event.window.get_pointer() else: x, y, state = event.x, event.y, event.get_state() # flipy so y=0 is bottom of canvas y = self.get_allocation().height - y FigureCanvasBase.motion_notify_event(self, x, y, guiEvent=event) return False # finish event propagation? def leave_notify_event(self, widget, event): FigureCanvasBase.leave_notify_event(self, event) def enter_notify_event(self, widget, event): FigureCanvasBase.enter_notify_event(self, event) def size_allocate(self, widget, allocation): if _debug: print("FigureCanvasGTK3.%s" % fn_name()) print("size_allocate (%d x %d)" % (allocation.width, allocation.height)) dpival = self.figure.dpi winch = allocation.width / dpival hinch = allocation.height / dpival self.figure.set_size_inches(winch, hinch) FigureCanvasBase.resize_event(self) self.draw_idle() def _get_key(self, event): if event.keyval in self.keyvald: key = self.keyvald[event.keyval] elif event.keyval < 256: key = chr(event.keyval) else: key = None modifiers = [ (Gdk.ModifierType.MOD4_MASK, 'super'), (Gdk.ModifierType.MOD1_MASK, 'alt'), (Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK, 'ctrl'), ] for key_mask, prefix in modifiers: if event.state & key_mask: key = '{0}+{1}'.format(prefix, key) return key def configure_event(self, widget, event): if _debug: print('FigureCanvasGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) if widget.get_property("window") is None: return w, h = event.width, event.height if w < 3 or h < 3: return # empty fig # resize the figure (in inches) dpi = self.figure.dpi self.figure.set_size_inches (w/dpi, h/dpi) self._need_redraw = True return False # finish event propagation? def on_draw_event(self, widget, ctx): # to be overwritten by GTK3Agg or GTK3Cairo pass def draw(self): self._need_redraw = True if self.get_visible() and self.get_mapped(): self.queue_draw() # do a synchronous draw (its less efficient than an async draw, # but is required if/when animation is used) self.get_property("window").process_updates (False) def draw_idle(self): if self._idle_draw_id != 0: return def idle_draw(*args): try: self.draw() finally: self._idle_draw_id = 0 return False self._idle_draw_id = GLib.idle_add(idle_draw) def new_timer(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new backend-specific subclass of :class:`backend_bases.Timer`. This is useful for getting periodic events through the backend's native event loop. Implemented only for backends with GUIs. optional arguments: *interval* Timer interval in milliseconds *callbacks* Sequence of (func, args, kwargs) where func(*args, **kwargs) will be executed by the timer every *interval*. """ return TimerGTK3(*args, **kwargs) def flush_events(self): Gdk.threads_enter() while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() Gdk.flush() Gdk.threads_leave() def start_event_loop(self,timeout): FigureCanvasBase.start_event_loop_default(self,timeout) start_event_loop.__doc__=FigureCanvasBase.start_event_loop_default.__doc__ def stop_event_loop(self): FigureCanvasBase.stop_event_loop_default(self) stop_event_loop.__doc__=FigureCanvasBase.stop_event_loop_default.__doc__ class FigureManagerGTK3(FigureManagerBase): """ Public attributes canvas : The FigureCanvas instance num : The Figure number toolbar : The Gtk.Toolbar (gtk only) vbox : The Gtk.VBox containing the canvas and toolbar (gtk only) window : The Gtk.Window (gtk only) """ def __init__(self, canvas, num): if _debug: print('FigureManagerGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) FigureManagerBase.__init__(self, canvas, num) self.window = Gtk.Window() self.set_window_title("Figure %d" % num) try: self.window.set_icon_from_file(window_icon) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): # re-raise exit type Exceptions raise except: # some versions of gtk throw a glib.GError but not # all, so I am not sure how to catch it. I am unhappy # doing a blanket catch here, but am not sure what a # better way is - JDH'Could not load matplotlib icon: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]) self.vbox = Gtk.Box() self.vbox.set_property("orientation", Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.window.add(self.vbox) self.vbox.pack_start(self.canvas, True, True, 0) # calculate size for window w = int (self.canvas.figure.bbox.width) h = int (self.canvas.figure.bbox.height) self.toolmanager = self._get_toolmanager() self.toolbar = self._get_toolbar() self.statusbar = None def add_widget(child, expand, fill, padding): self.vbox.pack_end(child, False, False, 0) size_request = child.size_request() return size_request.height if self.toolmanager: backend_tools.add_tools_to_manager(self.toolmanager) if self.toolbar: backend_tools.add_tools_to_container(self.toolbar) self.statusbar = StatusbarGTK3(self.toolmanager) h += add_widget(self.statusbar, False, False, 0) h += add_widget(Gtk.HSeparator(), False, False, 0) if self.toolbar is not None: h += add_widget(self.toolbar, False, False, 0) self.window.set_default_size (w, h) def destroy(*args): Gcf.destroy(num) self.window.connect("destroy", destroy) self.window.connect("delete_event", destroy) if matplotlib.is_interactive(): self.canvas.draw_idle() def notify_axes_change(fig): 'this will be called whenever the current axes is changed' if self.toolmanager is not None: pass elif self.toolbar is not None: self.toolbar.update() self.canvas.figure.add_axobserver(notify_axes_change) self.canvas.grab_focus() def destroy(self, *args): if _debug: print('FigureManagerGTK3.%s' % fn_name()) self.vbox.destroy() self.window.destroy() self.canvas.destroy() if self.toolbar: self.toolbar.destroy() if Gcf.get_num_fig_managers()==0 and \ not matplotlib.is_interactive() and \ Gtk.main_level() >= 1: Gtk.main_quit() def show(self): # show the figure window def full_screen_toggle (self): self._full_screen_flag = not self._full_screen_flag if self._full_screen_flag: self.window.fullscreen() else: self.window.unfullscreen() _full_screen_flag = False def _get_toolbar(self): # must be inited after the window, drawingArea and figure # attrs are set if rcParams['toolbar'] == 'toolbar2': toolbar = NavigationToolbar2GTK3 (self.canvas, self.window) elif rcParams['toolbar'] == 'toolmanager': toolbar = ToolbarGTK3(self.toolmanager) else: toolbar = None return toolbar def _get_toolmanager(self): # must be initialised after toolbar has been setted if rcParams['toolbar'] != 'toolbar2': toolmanager = ToolManager(self.canvas) else: toolmanager = None return toolmanager def get_window_title(self): return self.window.get_title() def set_window_title(self, title): self.window.set_title(title) def resize(self, width, height): 'set the canvas size in pixels' #_, _, cw, ch = self.canvas.allocation #_, _, ww, wh = self.window.allocation #self.window.resize (width-cw+ww, height-ch+wh) self.window.resize(width, height) class NavigationToolbar2GTK3(NavigationToolbar2, Gtk.Toolbar): def __init__(self, canvas, window): = window GObject.GObject.__init__(self) NavigationToolbar2.__init__(self, canvas) self.ctx = None def set_message(self, s): self.message.set_label(s) def set_cursor(self, cursor): self.canvas.get_property("window").set_cursor(cursord[cursor]) #self.canvas.set_cursor(cursord[cursor]) def release(self, event): try: del self._pixmapBack except AttributeError: pass def dynamic_update(self): # legacy method; new method is canvas.draw_idle self.canvas.draw_idle() def draw_rubberband(self, event, x0, y0, x1, y1): 'adapted from' self.ctx = self.canvas.get_property("window").cairo_create() # todo: instead of redrawing the entire figure, copy the part of # the figure that was covered by the previous rubberband rectangle self.canvas.draw() height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height y1 = height - y1 y0 = height - y0 w = abs(x1 - x0) h = abs(y1 - y0) rect = [int(val) for val in (min(x0,x1), min(y0, y1), w, h)] self.ctx.new_path() self.ctx.set_line_width(0.5) self.ctx.rectangle(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.ctx.stroke() def _init_toolbar(self): self.set_style(Gtk.ToolbarStyle.ICONS) basedir = os.path.join(rcParams['datapath'],'images') for text, tooltip_text, image_file, callback in self.toolitems: if text is None: self.insert( Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1 ) continue fname = os.path.join(basedir, image_file + '.png') image = Gtk.Image() image.set_from_file(fname) tbutton = Gtk.ToolButton() tbutton.set_label(text) tbutton.set_icon_widget(image) self.insert(tbutton, -1) tbutton.connect('clicked', getattr(self, callback)) tbutton.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text) toolitem = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() self.insert(toolitem, -1) toolitem.set_draw(False) toolitem.set_expand(True) toolitem = Gtk.ToolItem() self.insert(toolitem, -1) self.message = Gtk.Label() toolitem.add(self.message) self.show_all() def get_filechooser(self): fc = FileChooserDialog( title='Save the figure',, path=os.path.expanduser(rcParams.get('', '')), filetypes=self.canvas.get_supported_filetypes(), default_filetype=self.canvas.get_default_filetype()) fc.set_current_name(self.canvas.get_default_filename()) return fc def save_figure(self, *args): chooser = self.get_filechooser() fname, format = chooser.get_filename_from_user() chooser.destroy() if fname: startpath = os.path.expanduser(rcParams.get('', '')) if startpath == '': # explicitly missing key or empty str signals to use cwd rcParams[''] = startpath else: # save dir for next time rcParams[''] = os.path.dirname(six.text_type(fname)) try: self.canvas.print_figure(fname, format=format) except Exception as e: error_msg_gtk(str(e), parent=self) def configure_subplots(self, button): toolfig = Figure(figsize=(6,3)) canvas = self._get_canvas(toolfig) toolfig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) tool = SubplotTool(self.canvas.figure, toolfig) w = int (toolfig.bbox.width) h = int (toolfig.bbox.height) window = Gtk.Window() try: window.set_icon_from_file(window_icon) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): # re-raise exit type Exceptions raise except: # we presumably already logged a message on the # failure of the main plot, don't keep reporting pass window.set_title("Subplot Configuration Tool") window.set_default_size(w, h) vbox = Gtk.Box() vbox.set_property("orientation", Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) window.add(vbox) vbox.pack_start(canvas, True, True, 0) def _get_canvas(self, fig): return self.canvas.__class__(fig) class FileChooserDialog(Gtk.FileChooserDialog): """GTK+ file selector which remembers the last file/directory selected and presents the user with a menu of supported image formats """ def __init__ (self, title = 'Save file', parent = None, action = Gtk.FileChooserAction.SAVE, buttons = (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK), path = None, filetypes = [], default_filetype = None ): super (FileChooserDialog, self).__init__ (title, parent, action, buttons) self.set_default_response (Gtk.ResponseType.OK) if not path: path = os.getcwd() + os.sep # create an extra widget to list supported image formats self.set_current_folder (path) self.set_current_name ('image.' + default_filetype) hbox = Gtk.Box(spacing=10) hbox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(label="File Format:"), False, False, 0) liststore = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING) cbox = Gtk.ComboBox() #liststore) cbox.set_model(liststore) cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() cbox.pack_start(cell, True) cbox.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) hbox.pack_start(cbox, False, False, 0) self.filetypes = filetypes self.sorted_filetypes = list(six.iteritems(filetypes)) self.sorted_filetypes.sort() default = 0 for i, (ext, name) in enumerate(self.sorted_filetypes): liststore.append(["%s (*.%s)" % (name, ext)]) if ext == default_filetype: default = i cbox.set_active(default) self.ext = default_filetype def cb_cbox_changed (cbox, data=None): """File extension changed""" head, filename = os.path.split(self.get_filename()) root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) ext = ext[1:] new_ext = self.sorted_filetypes[cbox.get_active()][0] self.ext = new_ext if ext in self.filetypes: filename = root + '.' + new_ext elif ext == '': filename = filename.rstrip('.') + '.' + new_ext self.set_current_name (filename) cbox.connect ("changed", cb_cbox_changed) hbox.show_all() self.set_extra_widget(hbox) def get_filename_from_user (self): while True: filename = None if != int(Gtk.ResponseType.OK): break filename = self.get_filename() break return filename, self.ext class RubberbandGTK3(backend_tools.RubberbandBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): backend_tools.RubberbandBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.ctx = None def draw_rubberband(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): # 'adapted from # Recipe/189744' self.ctx = self.figure.canvas.get_property("window").cairo_create() # todo: instead of redrawing the entire figure, copy the part of # the figure that was covered by the previous rubberband rectangle self.figure.canvas.draw() height = self.figure.bbox.height y1 = height - y1 y0 = height - y0 w = abs(x1 - x0) h = abs(y1 - y0) rect = [int(val) for val in (min(x0, x1), min(y0, y1), w, h)] self.ctx.new_path() self.ctx.set_line_width(0.5) self.ctx.rectangle(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]) self.ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.ctx.stroke() class ToolbarGTK3(ToolContainerBase, Gtk.Box): def __init__(self, toolmanager): ToolContainerBase.__init__(self, toolmanager) Gtk.Box.__init__(self) self.set_property("orientation", Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self._toolarea = Gtk.Box() self._toolarea.set_property('orientation', Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) self.pack_start(self._toolarea, False, False, 0) self._toolarea.show_all() self._groups = {} self._toolitems = {} def add_toolitem(self, name, group, position, image_file, description, toggle): if toggle: tbutton = Gtk.ToggleToolButton() else: tbutton = Gtk.ToolButton() tbutton.set_label(name) if image_file is not None: image = Gtk.Image() image.set_from_file(image_file) tbutton.set_icon_widget(image) if position is None: position = -1 self._add_button(tbutton, group, position) signal = tbutton.connect('clicked', self._call_tool, name) tbutton.set_tooltip_text(description) tbutton.show_all() self._toolitems.setdefault(name, []) self._toolitems[name].append((tbutton, signal)) def _add_button(self, button, group, position): if group not in self._groups: if self._groups: self._add_separator() toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar() toolbar.set_style(Gtk.ToolbarStyle.ICONS) self._toolarea.pack_start(toolbar, False, False, 0) toolbar.show_all() self._groups[group] = toolbar self._groups[group].insert(button, position) def _call_tool(self, btn, name): self.trigger_tool(name) def toggle_toolitem(self, name, toggled): if name not in self._toolitems: return for toolitem, signal in self._toolitems[name]: toolitem.handler_block(signal) toolitem.set_active(toggled) toolitem.handler_unblock(signal) def remove_toolitem(self, name): if name not in self._toolitems: self.toolmanager.message_event('%s Not in toolbar' % name, self) return for group in self._groups: for toolitem, _signal in self._toolitems[name]: if toolitem in self._groups[group]: self._groups[group].remove(toolitem) del self._toolitems[name] def _add_separator(self): sep = Gtk.Separator() sep.set_property("orientation", Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self._toolarea.pack_start(sep, False, True, 0) sep.show_all() class StatusbarGTK3(StatusbarBase, Gtk.Statusbar): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): StatusbarBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Gtk.Statusbar.__init__(self) self._context = self.get_context_id('message') def set_message(self, s): self.pop(self._context) self.push(self._context, s) class SaveFigureGTK3(backend_tools.SaveFigureBase): def get_filechooser(self): fc = FileChooserDialog( title='Save the figure', parent=self.figure.canvas.manager.window, path=os.path.expanduser(rcParams.get('', '')), filetypes=self.figure.canvas.get_supported_filetypes(), default_filetype=self.figure.canvas.get_default_filetype()) fc.set_current_name(self.figure.canvas.get_default_filename()) return fc def trigger(self, *args, **kwargs): chooser = self.get_filechooser() fname, format_ = chooser.get_filename_from_user() chooser.destroy() if fname: startpath = os.path.expanduser( rcParams.get('', '')) if startpath == '': # explicitly missing key or empty str signals to use cwd rcParams[''] = startpath else: # save dir for next time rcParams[''] = os.path.dirname( six.text_type(fname)) try: self.figure.canvas.print_figure(fname, format=format_) except Exception as e: error_msg_gtk(str(e), parent=self) class SetCursorGTK3(backend_tools.SetCursorBase): def set_cursor(self, cursor): self.figure.canvas.get_property("window").set_cursor(cursord[cursor]) class ConfigureSubplotsGTK3(backend_tools.ConfigureSubplotsBase, Gtk.Window): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): backend_tools.ConfigureSubplotsBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.window = None def init_window(self): if self.window: return self.window = Gtk.Window(title="Subplot Configuration Tool") try: self.window.window.set_icon_from_file(window_icon) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): # re-raise exit type Exceptions raise except: # we presumably already logged a message on the # failure of the main plot, don't keep reporting pass self.vbox = Gtk.Box() self.vbox.set_property("orientation", Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.window.add(self.vbox) self.window.connect('destroy', self.destroy) toolfig = Figure(figsize=(6, 3)) canvas = self.figure.canvas.__class__(toolfig) toolfig.subplots_adjust(top=0.9) SubplotTool(self.figure, toolfig) w = int(toolfig.bbox.width) h = int(toolfig.bbox.height) self.window.set_default_size(w, h) self.vbox.pack_start(canvas, True, True, 0) def destroy(self, *args): self.window.destroy() self.window = None def _get_canvas(self, fig): return self.canvas.__class__(fig) def trigger(self, sender, event, data=None): self.init_window() self.window.present() class DialogLineprops(object): """ A GUI dialog for controlling lineprops """ signals = ( 'on_combobox_lineprops_changed', 'on_combobox_linestyle_changed', 'on_combobox_marker_changed', 'on_colorbutton_linestyle_color_set', 'on_colorbutton_markerface_color_set', 'on_dialog_lineprops_okbutton_clicked', 'on_dialog_lineprops_cancelbutton_clicked', ) linestyles = [ls for ls in lines.Line2D.lineStyles if ls.strip()] linestyled = dict([ (s,i) for i,s in enumerate(linestyles)]) markers = [m for m in lines.Line2D.markers if cbook.is_string_like(m)] markerd = dict([(s,i) for i,s in enumerate(markers)]) def __init__(self, lines): import datadir = matplotlib.get_data_path() gladefile = os.path.join(datadir, '') if not os.path.exists(gladefile): raise IOError('Could not find gladefile in %s'%datadir) self._inited = False self._updateson = True # suppress updates when setting widgets manually self.wtree =, 'dialog_lineprops') self.wtree.signal_autoconnect(dict([(s, getattr(self, s)) for s in self.signals])) self.dlg = self.wtree.get_widget('dialog_lineprops') self.lines = lines cbox = self.wtree.get_widget('combobox_lineprops') cbox.set_active(0) self.cbox_lineprops = cbox cbox = self.wtree.get_widget('combobox_linestyles') for ls in self.linestyles: cbox.append_text(ls) cbox.set_active(0) self.cbox_linestyles = cbox cbox = self.wtree.get_widget('combobox_markers') for m in self.markers: cbox.append_text(m) cbox.set_active(0) self.cbox_markers = cbox self._lastcnt = 0 self._inited = True def show(self): 'populate the combo box' self._updateson = False # flush the old cbox = self.cbox_lineprops for i in range(self._lastcnt-1,-1,-1): cbox.remove_text(i) # add the new for line in self.lines: cbox.append_text(line.get_label()) cbox.set_active(0) self._updateson = True self._lastcnt = len(self.lines) def get_active_line(self): 'get the active line' ind = self.cbox_lineprops.get_active() line = self.lines[ind] return line def get_active_linestyle(self): 'get the active lineinestyle' ind = self.cbox_linestyles.get_active() ls = self.linestyles[ind] return ls def get_active_marker(self): 'get the active lineinestyle' ind = self.cbox_markers.get_active() m = self.markers[ind] return m def _update(self): 'update the active line props from the widgets' if not self._inited or not self._updateson: return line = self.get_active_line() ls = self.get_active_linestyle() marker = self.get_active_marker() line.set_linestyle(ls) line.set_marker(marker) button = self.wtree.get_widget('colorbutton_linestyle') color = button.get_color() r, g, b = [val/65535. for val in (,,] line.set_color((r,g,b)) button = self.wtree.get_widget('colorbutton_markerface') color = button.get_color() r, g, b = [val/65535. for val in (,,] line.set_markerfacecolor((r,g,b)) line.figure.canvas.draw() def on_combobox_lineprops_changed(self, item): 'update the widgets from the active line' if not self._inited: return self._updateson = False line = self.get_active_line() ls = line.get_linestyle() if ls is None: ls = 'None' self.cbox_linestyles.set_active(self.linestyled[ls]) marker = line.get_marker() if marker is None: marker = 'None' self.cbox_markers.set_active(self.markerd[marker]) r,g,b = colorConverter.to_rgb(line.get_color()) color = Gdk.Color(*[int(val*65535) for val in (r,g,b)]) button = self.wtree.get_widget('colorbutton_linestyle') button.set_color(color) r,g,b = colorConverter.to_rgb(line.get_markerfacecolor()) color = Gdk.Color(*[int(val*65535) for val in (r,g,b)]) button = self.wtree.get_widget('colorbutton_markerface') button.set_color(color) self._updateson = True def on_combobox_linestyle_changed(self, item): self._update() def on_combobox_marker_changed(self, item): self._update() def on_colorbutton_linestyle_color_set(self, button): self._update() def on_colorbutton_markerface_color_set(self, button): 'called colorbutton marker clicked' self._update() def on_dialog_lineprops_okbutton_clicked(self, button): self._update() self.dlg.hide() def on_dialog_lineprops_cancelbutton_clicked(self, button): self.dlg.hide() # Define the file to use as the GTk icon if sys.platform == 'win32': icon_filename = 'matplotlib.png' else: icon_filename = 'matplotlib.svg' window_icon = os.path.join(matplotlib.rcParams['datapath'], 'images', icon_filename) def error_msg_gtk(msg, parent=None): if parent is not None: # find the toplevel Gtk.Window parent = parent.get_toplevel() if not parent.is_toplevel(): parent = None if not is_string_like(msg): msg = ','.join(map(str,msg)) dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog( parent = parent, type = Gtk.MessageType.ERROR, buttons = Gtk.ButtonsType.OK, message_format = msg) dialog.destroy() backend_tools.ToolSaveFigure = SaveFigureGTK3 backend_tools.ToolConfigureSubplots = ConfigureSubplotsGTK3 backend_tools.ToolSetCursor = SetCursorGTK3 backend_tools.ToolRubberband = RubberbandGTK3 Toolbar = ToolbarGTK3 FigureCanvas = FigureCanvasGTK3 FigureManager = FigureManagerGTK3