name: network version: id: network- license: BSD3 copyright: maintainer: Johan Tibell stability: homepage: package-url: synopsis: Low-level networking interface description: This package provides a low-level networking interface. . In network-2.6 the @Network.URI@ module was split off into its own package, network-uri-2.6. If you're using the @Network.URI@ module you can automatically get it from the right package by adding this to your .cabal file: . > flag network-uri > description: Get Network.URI from the network-uri package > default: True > > library > -- ... > if flag(network-uri) > build-depends: network-uri >= 2.6, network >= 2.6 > else > build-depends: network-uri < 2.6, network < 2.6 . That is, get the module from either network < 2.6 or from network-uri >= 2.6. category: Network author: exposed: True exposed-modules: Network Network.BSD Network.Socket Network.Socket.ByteString Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy Network.Socket.Internal hidden-modules: Network.Socket.ByteString.IOVec Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy.Posix Network.Socket.ByteString.MsgHdr Network.Socket.ByteString.Internal Network.Socket.Types trusted: False import-dirs: ${pkgroot}/network- library-dirs: ${pkgroot}/network- hs-libraries: HSnetwork- extra-libraries: nsl socket extra-ghci-libraries: include-dirs: ${pkgroot}/network- includes: HsNet.h depends: base- bytestring- unix- hugs-options: cc-options: ld-options: framework-dirs: frameworks: haddock-interfaces: ${pkgroot}/../../share/doc/ghc-7.6/html/network.haddock haddock-html: ${pkgroot}/../../share/doc/ghc-7.6/html