PSTAMP=q20140514174246 CLASSES=none rename manifest SVCDIR=/lib LICFILE=cddl.txt LICURL= LICINFO=Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.0 DESC=OpenDJ is an open source LDAPv3 directory server currently developed and maintained by ForgeRock AS (see It is a pure Java application and uses the embedded Oracle Berkeley DB to store data. OpenDJ is a successor (fork) of the former Sun OpenDS, which in turn was a successor of the Sun ONE Directory Server. SUNW_PKG_THISZONE=true BASEDIR=/opt VENDOR=ForgeRock AS CATEGORY=application,network NAME=OpenDJ, open source LDAPv3 directory server SERIALNUM=6426 VERSION=2.6.2 ARCH=all PKG=LNFopendj26