CLASSES=none PSTAMP=q20151130051410 LICFILE=lgpl.txt LICURL= LICINFO=GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999 DESC=Protégé Desktop is an ontology editing environment with full support for the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, and direct in-memory connections to description logic reasoners like HermiT and Pellet. This convinience package contains a collection of additional plugins, which can be installed system wide and thus can be shared by all users, i.e. the do not need to install their own copy of it. BASEDIR=/usr VENDOR=LINOFEE, CATEGORY=develop,application NAME=Protege 4 Desktop plugins SERIALNUM=001 VERSION=4.3.1 ARCH=i386 PKG=LNFprotege4-plugins