6.9. Looks

6.9.1. Changing the look

The overall appearance of a paper-based output format can be controlled by initialising the OPT_LOOK variable on the top line of a document. For example:

   !init OPT_LOOK="infomap"

Alternatively, sdf's -k option can be used. For example:

   sdf -2ps -kinfomap mydoc

The -k option overrides the init macro setting.

Note: At this time (January 98), multiple looks are currently only supported for paper documentation generated via FrameMaker. Multiple look support will hopefully be added to other SDF output drivers during 1998.

6.9.2. Available looks

The available looks include:

6.9.3. Creating new looks

It is relatively simple to create new looks by inheriting details from an existing one.

Refer to the SDF Guru Guide for details.