CLASSES=none PSTAMP=q20151027041345 LICFILE=mpi.txt LICURL= LICINFO=MPI BSD style license DESC=SPASS is an automated theorem prover for first-order logic with equality. So the input for the prover is a first-order formula in our syntax. Running SPASS on such a formula results in the final output SPASS beiseite: Proof found. if the formula is valid, SPASS beiseite: Completion found. if the formula is not valid and because validity in first-order logic is undecidable, SPASS may run forever without producing any final result. BASEDIR=/usr VENDOR=LINOFEE, CATEGORY=develop,application NAME=Theorem Prover SPASS SERIALNUM=001 VERSION=3.7 ARCH=i386 PKG=LNFspass