As of version 7, SWI-Prolog lists can be distinguished
unambiguously at runtime from ./2
terms and the atom '[]'
. The constant []
special constant that is not an atom. It has the following properties:
?- atom([]). false. ?- atomic([]). true. ?- [] == '[]'. false. ?- [] == []. true.
The `cons' operator for creating list cells has changed from the
pretty atom '.'
to the ugly atom '[|]'
, so we
can use the
for other purposes. See section
This modification has minimal impact on typical Prolog code. It does
affect foreign code (see section 10)
that uses the normal atom and compound term interface for manipulation
lists. In most cases this can be avoided by using the dedicated list
functions. For convenience, the macros ATOM_nil
and ATOM_dot
are provided by
Another place that is affected is write_canonical/1.
Impact is minimized by using the list syntax for lists. The predicates read_term/2
support the option dot_lists(true)
, which causes
to read .(a,[])
as [a]
and write_term/2
to write [a]
as .(a,[])
Representing lists the conventional way using ./2 as cons-cell and '[]' as list terminator both (independently) poses conflicts, while these conflicts are easily avoided.
cannot be distinguished from [a|B]
. Freeing ./2
provides us with a unique term that we can use for functional notation
on dicts as described in
section 5.4.1.
as list terminator prevents dynamic
distinction between atoms and lists. As a result, we cannot use type
polymorphism that involve both atoms and lists. For example, we cannot
multi lists (arbitrary deeply nested lists) of atoms. Multi
lists of atoms are a in some situations a good representation of a flat
list that is assembled from sub sequences. The alternative, using
difference lists or DCGs is often less natural and sometimes demands for
`opening' proper lists (i.e., copying the list while replacing the
terminating empty list with a variable) that have to be added to the
sequence. The ambiguity of atom and list is particularly painful when
mapping external data representations that do not suffer from this
At the same time, avoiding '[]'
as a list terminator
makes the various text representations unambiguous, which allows us to
write predicates that require a textual argument to accept both atoms,
strings, and lists of character codes or one-character atoms.
Traditionally, the empty list can be interpreted both as the string "[]"
and "".