*/2 | Multiplication |
**/2 | Power function |
+/1 | Unary plus (No-op) |
+/2 | Addition |
-/1 | Unary minus |
-/2 | Subtraction |
//2 | Division |
///2 | Integer division |
/\/2 | Bitwise and |
<</2 | Bitwise left shift |
>>/2 | Bitwise right shift |
./2 | List of one character: character code |
\/1 | Bitwise negation |
\//2 | Bitwise or |
^/2 | Power function |
abs/1 | Absolute value |
acos/1 | Inverse (arc) cosine |
acosh/1 | Inverse hyperbolic cosine |
asin/1 | Inverse (arc) sine |
asinh/1 | Inverse (arc) sine |
atan/1 | Inverse hyperbolic sine |
atan/2 | Rectangular to polar conversion |
atanh/1 | Inverse hyperbolic tangent |
atan2/2 | Rectangular to polar conversion |
ceil/1 | Smallest integer larger than arg |
ceiling/1 | Smallest integer larger than arg |
cos/1 | Cosine |
cosh/1 | Hyperbolic cosine |
copysign/2 | Apply sign of N2 to N1 |
cputime/0 | Get CPU time |
div/2 | Integer division |
e/0 | Mathematical constant |
erf/1 | Gauss error function |
erfc/1 | Complementary error function |
epsilon/0 | Floating point precision |
eval/1 | Evaluate term as expression |
exp/1 | Exponent (base e) |
float/1 | Explicitly convert to float |
float_fractional_part/1 | Fractional part of a float |
float_integer_part/1 | Integer part of a float |
floor/1 | Largest integer below argument |
gcd/2 | Greatest common divisor |
integer/1 | Round to nearest integer |
lgamma/1 | Log of gamma function |
log/1 | Natural logarithm |
log10/1 | 10 base logarithm |
lsb/1 | Least significant bit |
max/2 | Maximum of two numbers |
min/2 | Minimum of two numbers |
msb/1 | Most significant bit |
mod/2 | Remainder of division |
powm/3 | Integer exponent and modulo |
random/1 | Generate random number |
random_float/0 | Generate random number |
rational/1 | Convert to rational number |
rationalize/1 | Convert to rational number |
rdiv/2 | Ration number division |
rem/2 | Remainder of division |
round/1 | Round to nearest integer |
truncate/1 | Truncate float to integer |
pi/0 | Mathematical constant |
popcount/1 | Count 1s in a bitvector |
sign/1 | Extract sign of value |
sin/1 | Sine |
sinh/1 | Hyperbolic sine |
sqrt/1 | Square root |
tan/1 | Tangent |
tanh/1 | Hyperbolic tangent |
xor/2 | Bitwise exclusive or |