6.7 Composing modules from other modules

The predicates in this section are intended to create new modules from the content of other modules. Below is an example to define a composite module. The example exports all public predicates of module_1, module_2 and module_3, pred/1 from module_4, all predicates from module_5 except do_not_use/1 and all predicates from module_6 while renaming pred/1 into mypred/1.

:- module(my_composite, []).
:- reexport([ module_1,
:- reexport(module_4, [ pred/1 ]).
:- reexport(module_5, except([do_not_use/1])).
:- reexport(module_6, except([pred/1 as mypred])).
Load and import predicates as use_module/1 and re-export all imported predicates. The reexport declarations must immediately follow the module declaration.
reexport(+File, +Import)
Import from File as use_module/2 and re-export the imported predicates. The reexport declarations must immediately follow the module declaration.